How is this affecting your day?

When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see? Do you make an effort to be positive with yourself and your thoughts? Are you your own biggest fan? If you answered no to any of those questions, it’s time to make a change. The way we talk about ourselves has a bigger impact on our confidence and self-esteem than we may realize. If you’re constantly obsessing over what is wrong rather than appreciating all that is RIGHT, it has a powerful effect on your entire life. Not only can negative thinking have an effect on you mentally, but also physically it can come across in ways that others can see!

I found this short video encouraging women to realize just how AWESOME and ENOUGH you truly are, it’s short, but it’s definitely sweet.

I myself can admit how easy it is to pick out the things I don’t like about myself, or let little things have a big effect on the way I view myself. But you must know that when others look at you, what’s in your head is NOT the things they are seeing. There is so much more to you than those thoughts swirling around in your mind.

If you can flip the switch from negative to positive you’ll be blown away by the direction your life will start to take. Positive thought leads to positive action, and that is a recipe for a very happy life. Don’t let the idea of “perfection” get in the way and certainly don’t view other women as competition! Those two things can create such a toxic state of mind – something that never leads to success. 

You are ENOUGH. Continue to tell yourself that every single time you look in the mirror and every time you feel yourself thinking negatively. You’re worthy of everything good, never, ever forget that.

What are you committed to saying to yourself this week, and always? Do you know of someone else who needs this message? If so, please share this with other women to encourage them to start making the change too!


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