Where is Cupid’s Arrow Pointing?- by Keri Murphy

Relationships are the threads that hold our life together. When those threads get thin or too spread out, we feel disconnected and unfulfilled. When strong, we feel unstoppable and connected to a higher source. Relationships are the glue that bonds us together like nothing else can and yet, being stuck in the “wrong” relationship can cause utter chaos and resentment. Oh…relationships!

This Valentines Day I ask you to take a few moments to reflect on the most important relationship in your life…the one with yourself. It is often said, we are the sum total of the 5 people we surround ourselves with. If you are still looking for Mr. or Ms. Right or if you are feeling like some of your relationships are not as satisfying as you would like it all starts with looking within.

Here are 3 steps you can take to make sure cupid’s arrows are shooting in the right direction.


   1.  Let go of past hurt. I know this can be a tough one, but if you are holding on to hurt, regret, anger or guilt about how a previous relationship turned out more than likely you will carry that baggage into the next relationship. Your perfect match may be standing right in front of you but are you able to see them through the fog of relationships past? Some of us are already in great relationships and we might be unintentionally sabotage it by bringing up past hurt and fears. You are not the same person you were and your partner is not the same person that hurt you before. Let go so you can let IN the love that waits for you.

   2. Teach people how to treat you. Dr. Phil says, “You have to teach people how to treat you” and I could not agree more. If you allow someone to treat you disrespectfully, more than likely you don’t think very highly of yourself.  When you love who you are, you will find people that love you too.

   3. Take time to nurture the relationships that matter. We all have a bunch of people in our lives but I have a close circle of friends who understand who I am and love me no matter what. Great relationships don’t just happen, they take work and effort on both sides. Carve out time to connect with people in your life that are important to you and you are important to them.

There are really only two emotions in this world…fear and love. On this Valentines Day let people know how much you love them…including yourself. Make expressing your love a habit and cupid will have no choice but to keep his arrow pointed at you all year long.

Much love to you all year long,






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