It’s Never too Late!


   You must be willing to let go of who you were in  order to step into who you want to become.

This weekend I had such an incredible time working with one of my clients who came over from London to spend 2 days with me in order to push her new career path into high gear. What I admire so very much about this person is her courage to make a HUGE life change after 30 years in the same career. To realize that she had a bigger passion and purpose and is taking action to fulfill that purpose.


So many of us lug around unnecessary baggage every day, not realizing how unhealthy (and heavy) it is. But you can let go. Take a deep breath, set it all down, and walk forward….because every day is a chance to start over.


Each new day brings with it the chance to make a new decision, start anew, or even rebrand yourself. We’ve talked about the power that comes from being authentic, so I’m not saying that everyday you should BE someone else! But you certainly CAN let go of something you feel that is not working for you and go in a new direction.


It’s one of the greatest things about life! We are fortunate to live in a time and in a place that any day, at any moment, we can change our course. Think about it. If you really have the desire then YOU have the power today to start a new career, make a new life helping others, live healthfully, or follow whatever your true passion is and just be the best you that you can be.


Don’t be afraid to confront your baggage, what you are holding on to and step away from it. Today, you can make a different decision and instead be free to not just dream the life you’ve always imagined, but live it. What will you do with your today?


Shine ON!!




© 2012 Inspired Living, LLC

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Keri Murphy and the Inspired Living team is on a mission to empower people to use their unique talents in a way that allows them to Dream, Live and BE all that is possible through speaking, coaching, celebrity interviews and original on-line content. Get Inspired at


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  1. Elaine

    Keri, thank you for this message today which completely resonated with me. You are absolutely right about this. and I appreciate the reminder, which we all need to keep us moving along the right path on our journey 🙂

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