The Power of Forgiveness

Few things are more freeing than forgiveness.-Keri Murphy

In coaching and training people from all over the world there seems to be a thread that binds many of us, both together and from achieving success; that is anger, blame, or guilt. Only after digging deep into personal development did I realize how I too hung onto blame and guilt in my own life. By holding onto those feelings I conceded to living a life way below what I was capable of. It wasn’t until I completely let go and took responsibility for my own life (and actions) that I have come into a place where I am literally in awe of what shows up in my life on a regular basis.

How often do you say to yourself…

Why me?

If only…

It’s not my fault…

I can’t…

Those words are like poison to your psyche. Anger, blame and guilt are emotions that when not dealt with, continue to compound. We cannot choose anyone’s actions accept our own. How we react and respond to things creates the world around us.

I am a very spiritual woman and take to heart God’s words…forgive him and let it drop, leave it and let it go. (this pertains even to ourselves) I realize that can be a challenge but this is one obstacle worth overcoming! We often want to hold on or retaliate in some manner, which in turn only causes more pain…onto others and ourselves. If there is something that is binding you, holding you back from reaching your highest potential, may I suggest finding a way to let it go. Holding on to anger, blame or guilt hurts nobody more than you.


Here’s a great resource: “How to Forgive When You Can’t” by Dr. Jim Dincalci


Shine ON!!




© 2012 Inspired Living, LLC

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