How To Powerfully Use Video In Your Brand

Many entrepreneurs believe that if they look good on camera and say what they do or talk about their business, their videos and FB lives will rock online. Not true. So many people have said, “I’m on video all the time, but my business isn’t growing.” After reaching thousands of people and teaching them on-camera confidence and how to build a brand that stands out online, we find so many are missing the 4 Cs, which powerfully elevates their videos and online presence to “celebrity” status. Once people master these steps – those hidden stalkers become followers, and then those followers become buyers. Take a listen to what helped Keri Murphy build a seven-figure brand – using video.

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How To Powerfully Use Video In Your Brand

I’m going to be sharing with you the power of video. If you’re a business owner or an entrepreneur, you have known probably for a long time now that you need to show up on camera, and that you need to be consistently using video to grow your business. Since this global pandemic has hit us around the world, you maybe have found yourself in a place where you feel like, “What do I do now? How do I stand out above the noise? How do I show up as an influencer? How do I convert my events, my products and my services into this new digital space?”

On this show, I’m going to share with you the things that are working right now, and have worked for a long time, but there are also some tweaks that we have to be mindful of in the season that we’re in. Video is all about emotional connection. It always has been. Think about your favorite movie. Think about that scene that lights you up, that makes you laugh and that makes you cry. You never want to say to yourself, “That screenwriter was amazing. Every word in that script was perfect. How they delivered it was perfect.”

We don’t say that. We don’t think that. What we do is we feel it. That’s what video is supposed to do whether it’s used in our business or a different context. Video is all about emotional connection and yet it is easy for us to make it about us, about me. The key when it comes to using video is to understand that video is not about you. Video is about the person that you’re trying to reach through the lens. As simple as that sounds, I know it is one of probably the toughest things to do because we’re not born knowing how to be authentic to an inanimate object.

That’s what I teach. That’s what we do at Inspired Living. We specialize in teaching entrepreneurs how to get over their fear, how to get over that need of, “I have to be perfect. I don’t look good enough. I don’t sound good enough,” and teach you how to understand who’s on the other side of the lens because that is the power of video. It is when you reach one, you reach many. When you press record and you have no idea who you’re talking to, then the person on the other side, listening, watching doesn’t know that you’re talking to them either. What we have at our fingertips now is truly amazing.

When you reach one, you reach many. Click To Tweet

Growing up in entertainment, I had to audition to be on camera. I got told no a million times, and now each and every one of us has these incredible platforms at our fingertips. At any moment, we can go live. We can upload a video. We can build out a YouTube channel. You don’t need permission. There is no barrier to entry anymore but because of that, there’s an inordinate amount of people and noise. I often tell my clients who say to me, “Keri, I don’t want to contribute to the noise.” I say to them, “You need to, that’s your message and the way you share it, your story, is going to be needed to 1 person, 10 people and 1,000 people.”

We need to get over this need of acceptance, validation and permission, and be more focused on servant leadership, on understanding that the camera is simply a conduit to reach the people that are looking for you. People are making a lot of money because they’re meeting them where they’re at. We’re all online, we’re shopping, we’re listening, we’re looking for growth opportunities, we’re looking for coaches, we’re looking for trainers, we’re looking for dieticians and we’re all looking for things. My question to you is how are you being found or are you the best-kept secret?

The good news is that you have one of the most amazing opportunities you’re going to have in this lifetime to have a captive audience, to have millions of people online right now. If you don’t know how to cut through the noise and how to show up as an authority, you’re not going to get the traction or the conversion that you’re looking for with video. I want to go back to the number one most important thing when it comes to using video is connection. It’s understanding that video is all about emotional connection and getting someone to feel something.

You can’t get anyone to feel anything if you’re stuck in your head. Also, understanding that at any time you press record, you need to know. I can know in your bones who you’re talking to, what’s their greatest pain, what challenges are they going through, what’s possible for them once they get your product or service in their hands? What is on the other side of their experience once they start working with you? When I work with our clients, I go through the difference between demographic and psychographic. We’ve been taught if you went to marketing or you built your website, you talk a lot about demographic, which has all the external components of your avatar, your ideal client, where they live, are they religious, how many kids do they have and how much money do they make.

Using Video: Whether it’s used in your business or a different context, video is all about emotional connection.

Where video meets the heart is understanding the psychographics of your ideal client. Understanding the emotional pulse, understanding where they’re at in their life and what is painfully showing up for them every day. What’s keeping them from the success that they want? What’s possible for them once they work with you or get your product or service? When you speak from that place instead of, “Hi, I’m Keri Murphy. I’m an on-camera media expert, video coach and entrepreneur.” No one cares about that. What they do care about is me meeting them where they’re at. I might say instead of starting out that way, “Are you someone who knows you want to make a great difference on this planet? Do you feel deep down that you have this big offering, that you have a big vision for your life, but you don’t know what steps to take to make it happen?”

You know that you need to be using video, but the thought of it is overwhelming. It brings up all this fear. You don’t feel like you look good enough or sound good enough and that the technology is overwhelming. It’s a completely different approach starting with the pain or possibility versus starting with you. When it comes to video, one of the biggest mistakes I see is that people make videos about them instead of the person they’re serving. It starts with one person. You’re not going to be reaching millions of people. We need to stop comparing ourselves to other people that have those big followings. I know you do it because they started with one person too.

When you reach that one person, that 1 person becomes 2 people and 2 becomes 4 and 4 becomes 8. This is about consistency and longevity. When I talk to my clients about video, I often share my four Cs that I want to share with you. I’ve already talked about the first one, which is connection. That emotional connection is the most important thing and yet for many of us, we press record and we become a robot. We’re the most inauthentic version of ourselves because we’re an echo or stuck in our thoughts like, “Do I sound okay? Do I look okay?” instead of showing up and talking to that one person. That’s going to be a huge transformation for you if you take that piece of advice and run.

The next thing is consistency. No brand was built overnight. The fact that we have all these social media metrics that we’re looking at comparing ourselves with often keeps us from even starting, but any brand starts with consistent messaging over time. It is no secret. That is it. You need to be consistent in showing up for your audience on a regular basis. Whether that’s doing a Facebook Live every week, using Instagram Stories, IGTV, YouTube or whatever platform you use. I want you to consider yourself a broadcast channel.

People are searching for experts; they don't want a generalist. Click To Tweet

If you love a show and you never know when you can watch it, you’re going to stop watching it because it’s too hard to figure out the airtime. Don’t make it hard for people to figure out your airtime. Be consistent with whatever platform you’re using and use it on a regular basis. The third is all about credibility. There is a lot of noise online. There are a lot of people online and that’s not changing. There are going to be more people coming online. The only way you’re going to stand out is to shift from generalist to specialist. I cannot tell you how important it is for you to wrap yourself up in this and to truly implement it in your business and your life.

Instead of being a business coach, be a business coach that focuses on video. Get known for that one thing. When I started Inspired Living, it was all things to all people. It was health, fitness, relationships, money and business because that was inspired living to me at the time. It was all things and quite frankly, no one knew what in the world I did. Maybe you feel that way right now like, “Why is it hard to get clients and customers?” It’s because they’re not clear with what you do or how you can help them. Let’s get clear. When you become a specialist, when you get known for that one thing, two things are going to happen. First of all, you’re going to see a lot more people joining your community, your list and you’re going to have much greater conversion. Because we’re in this pandemic right now, people are searching for experts.

We don’t want a generalist. When we’re looking for a business coach, a dentist, a nutritionist, a doctor, whatever it is, won’t you spend more for someone who is a specialist in their industry, who is at the top of their game than someone who does everything? If you’re diagnosed with a disease, are you going to go to a general practitioner or are you going to go to the person that specializes in exactly what is happening to you? This is a business changer and yet most people don’t want to specialize because they’re scared.

One of my clients is a fitness coach, but she’s a Christian fitness coach. She’s not ashamed of it. She’s proud of her faith and that differentiates her from other fitness coaches out there. Whether she’s right for you or wrong for you doesn’t matter. The fact of the matter is she’s going to reach the right people with specializing and niching down. One of our other clients is a realtor and we work with a lot of realtors. She was interviewed and they coined her a termite expert. She did not coin herself that, she did not crown herself a termite expert, but she giggled because she was getting all of this feedback and got asked to do something else because someone had called her a termite expert.

IL 5 | Using Video
Using Video: There is such a great opportunity for you when you niche down and specialize with what you’re doing because you become more credible.

There’s such great opportunity for you when you niche down and specialize with what you’re doing because then you become more credible and the more credible you are online, the more people will follow you and buy from you. It’s that simple. It comes from connection first, consistency and then your consistency will lead to credibility and your credibility will lead to conversion. That is the power of video. It’s those four Cs. You put those into action. You shift from generalist to specialist in your industry. You will learn how to speak to one person at a time. Your business will grow right now.

I can promise you that but if you continue to try to catch the ocean, you put out these generic messages, you speak in the same language that everyone else does, you’re not authentic in your approach, you don’t know your core message or what you offer, you don’t understand the pain or possibility that your ideal client is facing, it’s going to be challenging but it doesn’t have to be. There is so much opportunity for you right now. There’s never been a better time to start using video. In my private Facebook group, it’s called Ignite Your “IT” Factor. Growing up in entertainment, I heard that term ‘it’ a lot. It’s like, “She has it.” I remember when I owned my talent agency, I would have these open auditions every month and I would have dozens of people come in to audition.

Every once in awhile, someone would walk into the audition room, we gave them some copy to read and even though they weren’t incredibly green, maybe they didn’t have any experience. There was something about them that was magnetic. I would see it and I would say, “They have it.” Then we have shows like The X Factor. There is an intangible quality, a magnetic essence to someone when they have it. The good news is, in my ten-plus years of training thousands of entrepreneurs, we all have it. The problem is most of our life we’ve been told to put it on the dimmer switch, “Don’t talk too loud. Don’t be too this. What are you doing? You’re going to start what?”

What I love to teach you to do is turn it up. Turn that light up, turn those qualities up, stop apologizing, stop waiting for validation, stop waiting for someone to give you the opportunity for permission, and start your own show. Start your own channel. Be consistent with your message and watch your business grow. If you want to join me for a masterclass that we put on a regular basis, it’s called Video Confidence and Conversion, I want you to come and join our Facebook group called Ignite Your “IT” Factor. It’s a free group. We have thousands of entrepreneurs and visionaries in there. The energy is incredible but more importantly, you’re going to have support around what it is that I taught now and implementing that and seeing results in your business.

I lost a business in the last recession and now my business is growing. The difference is not only have I invested in a ton of mentorship throughout the years, and I have an incredible team, but I understand who I am, what I offer and how to reach the people who need me most. When you understand that, you will also see that your business will continue to grow during these times. I hope that you’ve got some juicy nuggets from this show. I always love to hear from you, so please share your comments, share this with someone. I hope you implement the strategies here. I hope to see you in the Facebook group.

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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.