Jessica Smith Explains Why Love Is Just Around the Corner

Are you in a place in your life where your thumb is getting calloused from swiping right? Are you ready to give up on dating? You are not alone in feeling this way. And I have good news – help and hope are just around the corner.

Today, I am talking to love and dating coach, Jessica Smith. Jessica helps anyone struggling with all the options for dating and the desire for dating to simply be fun again. She has heard every story in the book and understands the challenges we face in dating today.

In this interview, you’ll discover:

  • The most common reasons dating feels overwhelming
  • How to get acquainted with yourself – who are you and what do you like?
  • The sign that you’re ready to get back out into the dating scene

Jessica is one of those rare people who can help you see the whole picture of yourself. It’s like Les Brown says in my favorite quote: “You can’t see the frame when you are in the picture.” She has the ability to show you what’s happening in your own life, and then help you figure out what to do with it.

After you listen to our interview, I know you’ll be excited about dating again. And you will definitely want more of Jessica’s insight about dating and relationships. Check out her podcast, “Game of Love With Jessica Smith.” It lays it all out on the table – dating tips, strategies, heartbreak recovery, sex, and more.

When you’re not excited, it’s hard to attract anything into your life. And this is really the inspiration behind Inspired Living – know yourself, love yourself, and be excited about what’s possible. It will show up for you when it’s time.

Dream it. Live it. BE it.

Keri Murphy of Inspired Living




P.S. Have you joined our “Ignite Your ‘IT’ Factor” group on Facebook yet? Come on over and join other inspiring entrepreneurs as they work to expand their brand and business. In this group, we share tips, truths, and other encouragement to guide you to discover what makes you, YOU. Your “IT” factor is essential for you to stand out and succeed in your business. We’re all about helping you get ready to step into the spotlight and shine (on camera, on stage, and anywhere)!


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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.