Why your message matters and what gets in the way of sharing it

Have you ever gotten your production day scheduled, your words prepared, and the promotion plan ready only to hear that little chatter in your brain? You know – the voice that asks, “Who are YOU to put yourself out there? What makes you special and different?”

It can be really easy to assume that your message doesn’t matter. But here’s the thing. This planet is home to 7 billion people — far more people than you can ever serve. 

When I work with entrepreneurs, the number one fear I see them struggle with is perfection. Here’s the thing. The people we most admire are imperfect! We connect with people who we relate to. People like to see the real you, the behind-the-scenes of your business. 

In this week’s video, you will hear what the number one fear is that I see my clients struggle with. You will also hear how I coach them through that fear. 



Just for fun, visit my YouTube channel to see many of my older videos with all their flaws and quirks. It’s fun to look back and see how I’ve grown in my skill and confidence! Tip: You should be able to see progress over the years. 

If you need a bit more in the way of pointers on using video to grow your business, you can download our Be Camera Ready Guide! It has tips on equipment to use as well as help refine your message. 

In the meantime, keep dreaming it, living it, and doing it. 


Keri Murphy of Inspired Living







Get FREE instant access to Be Studio Ready: The Ultimate “How-To” Guide for Creating High-Quality Videos Wherever You Are.


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