[NEW ILTV] P!nk’s drummer, Mark Schulman, shares how he overcame stage fright and more

Imagine…you’re a world-class musician with the talent and skill to play with the world’s top bands but you have crippling stage fright? This is just a tiny piece of our story today! I’m so excited to share this IGTV interview with a guy who overcame his stage fright and disappointment, went on to perform at a world-class level, and then wrote a book to help you and me perform at our peak too.

Mark Schulman is one of the best and most sought-out drummers in the world. When he’s not touring, he’s speaking all over the country about how to show up as a Rockstar in your own life through his Peak Performance strategies.

He’s played with Cher, P!nk, Foreigner, and many more. In his book “Overcoming Life’s Stage Fright: Three Steps To Top Performance,” he writes about the three Cs: Clarity, Capability, and Confidence. As he says in this video, you have to have a crystal-clear goal about where you want to go (Clarity), and then you have to put in the time and work required to become proficient at the skill you need (Capability) to have to reach that goal. Stage fright goes away after 45-60 seconds if you’ve done the work because the habit and skill kicks in and carries you past the fright (Confidence).

Watch this fantastic interview with Mark, you’ll be so glad you did!  Then take a moment to share your inspired take-a-ways in the comments. 

I think what resonated most with me in this is how Mark’s approach is the same one I teach my clients, just with different words.

Here’s an example. He said, “One time I was really scared one time before going out on stage, and I started asking myself ‘Who am I thinking about?’ And I answered, ‘I’m thinking about myself.’ Then I immediately realized ‘Who should I be thinking about?’ and the answer is ‘The audience.’ I realized that made me a selfish bastard!”

I describe the same thing this way: the fear we feel comes when ego gets in the way and we’re focused on ourselves. But when we can think of that one person we want to speak to, ego disappears and the fear dissipates.

One of the things I remind people of all the time is this: confidence doesn’t come from thinking about something, it comes from the doing of something. That’s why we have to build our capability first! Once we have the skill, confidence follows. 

Share this with your friends because when you are inspired, you inspire others!

Keri Murphy of Inspired Living


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