We’re Talking Numbers with Chantal Schutz

To all of my passionate, powerful entrepreneurs!  You’ve got the vision, you’ve got the purpose, you’ve got the love, you’ve got the team, but have you got the numbers?  Can you even remember the last time you sat down and analyzed your numbers?

If you think “ugh” when someone brings up numbers, than this week’s ILTV Spotlight Interview is for you! Join me as I sit down with CEO, business owner, accountant, and numbers extraordinaire, Chantal Schutz, as she makes it clear why we have to stop shying away from the numbers portion of our business.  

Although she works with both men, and women, Chantal specializes in working with women entrepreneurs, and shares that it is a widespread issue, that women are conditioned to think that they are bad with numbers.  Our society has made us accustomed to thinking “someone else will take care of that”. While someone else CAN take care of that, we as women are more than capable of handling our own finances, and the second we do, we are going to see our numbers grow exponentially.


As hard as it may be to believe, Chantal has made looking at your numbers FUN!  She does this by looking at your business’s finances as a story. By thinking of them as stories, it allows us to see what has happened, as well as what is going to happen in the future.  

One of Chantal’s other secrets to success, is addressing the fear associated with looking at our numbers, as well as the fear surrounding what good numbers mean.  

We aren’t bad people because we make money in our business!  

Why is it that we oftentimes feel guilty for being profitable?!  It is good to make money! Money is what allows us to live a life of freedom and substance.  

Once we change our perception of money, and start making looking at our finances part of our regular schedule, our businesses are going to flourish beyond our wildest dreams.

If you are ready to admit that your finances aren’t getting the attention deserve, then I encourage you to watch my interview with Chantal.  We will be discussing:

     How to rid ourselves of the fear surrounding money.

     Why having a 5 year plan is so important for the growth of your business.

     How Chantal and her husband used their creativity to get a loan from the bank, after they were initially denied.  

     The importance of a good bookkeeper.

     Why your team is so relevant to your numbers and bottom line.  

     How to increase your bottom line.

Money is a barometer of the impact you’re making in the world.

If you’re ready to increase your impact, want to learn more about how Chantal can support your vision, and how to have a deeper understanding of your numbers, visit Chantal’s website.  Here you can set up  a free 30 minute consultation to create a plan to move forward!  

If you liked this interview, please share with those you love.  Do you have any fears surrounding money? Please share them below, and how this video helped to change your perspective!  

Dream it. Live it. BE it!

P.S. Click here to learn about Chantal’s upcoming event, The Love and Money Connection.


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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.