Can I Interview you?

I am excited to announce that I am currently taking applications for my Spotlight interview series. This is a hand-selected group of extraordinary entrepreneurs who I want to share with my IL community with and it only happens a few times a year.

I started doing Spotlight Interviews on ILTV because I realized that people buy from businesses that they have an emotional connection to. We do business with people we know, like and trust, and sharing your story in a way that connects with your ideal client is the quickest way to build that relationship.

As an expanding business owner who is committed to making a difference in the lives of others, it can be difficult to find the right place to share your story in a way that leads them to your awesome services.

I quickly realized how important sharing the story behind the brand was, and we’ve had tremendous success since we launched them. One of our clients landed a movie deal after sharing her Spotlight interview!

This is a professional media piece that will showcase you as an expert, while allowing you to share your story in a way that connects to the heart of your ideal client. Plus, you’ll get some amazing “as seen on” logos to add to your website and speaker pages.

Who doesn’t want that!? 🙂

This is a fit for you if:

  • You have an expanding business that helps create a positive impact on the planet or in your client’s lives.
  • You are looking for incredible exposure and prospects for you and your business.
  • You would like a high-quality “media interview” to showcase your story, your message and how you serve people.
  • You are looking to position yourself as the “go-to” expert in your industry.
  • You have a great story to share and want to inspire others

If this is you, let me tell you more – I am offering these interviews to my inner-circle as a way to expand your brand and position you as the leading authority in your industry. I hand select each entrepreneur who joins me on set.

These interviews require an investment and will provide you an incredible in-studio high quality interview with me as your host. (you’re in good hands, I’m a professional 🙂 )

I will be showcasing these interviews to my list and my online community so not only will you have an awesome interview to share and put on your website but you will be exposed to thousands of new prospects.

If you are selected as a guest on Spotlight, you will get…

  • Pre-interview  session to discuss  story points, key objectives  and how to make the right call to  action in your video.
  • Celebrity  hair and makeup  to make sure you  look your very best.
  • Full  production,  in-studio media  worthy interview.
  • Promotional  Package: complete  with sizzle reel, graphics  for social media, email copy  to announce it to your list, featured  blog on, and  a full length  edited interview  (approx. 15 minutes)  with rights to use for  any marketing and promotional  purposes.
  • A  host  (that’s  me!) who  knows how to  bring out the very  best in you and your  story on-camera.
  • Exposure  to my list  and community  of approx 50k (I am  only doing this for Spotlight  interviews, ILTV and specific JV’s  this year).
  • Online  network syndication  partner for ILTV that  could potentially reach millions.
  • You  will be  recognized  as an industry  expert with quotes  from your Spotlight  interview published on  at least 100 National Media  Websites including ABC, CBS, NBC  and FOX affiliates within 7 days  of your interview being released.
  • Plus,  if you’d  like to shoot  with my amazing photographer,  Isaiah Mays, while you’re in Los  Angeles, we can arrange for him to  come to the studio since you’ll be gorgeous  and camera ready.

Want to learn more? Fill out this short application. If you’re a good fit, we’ll schedule a one-on-one call with you to discuss the possibilities.


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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.