How to Practice Daily Gratitude

Do you ever see other people walk around looking so happy and at peace and find yourself wondering, “how the heck are they so happy and so peaceful”?

Well, there’s a secret that I think is vital to living an inspired life, having an inspired business, a profitable business, and loving where you are at in the moment. That secret is practicing daily gratitude.

Today I am going to share with you a couple of things that I do, that allow me to stay centered, and present. With a 2.5 year old and a business, my life needs peace! Through mediation and gratitude, I find that even in the thick of it all, I can acknowledge how fortunate I am.

Before I make my coffee or check facebook, I take time to breath…to identify all of the blessings I have in my life. I meditate and pray for at least 10 minutes while focusing on my gratitude and intentions. On days that I meditate in the morning, I can honestly say that my day is different…more calm and centered. As much as I would like to say that I do it everyday, I don’t. I am human, and there are days that I do not make this daily practice a priority, and my day suffers because of it.

I find that in addition to my morning gratitude session, it is also important for me to have a nightly gratitude practice. Before I go to bed each night, I write in my journal on my nightstand five things that I am most grateful for that day. They don’t have to be big things, but naming all of the little things I am grateful for allows me to have a deeper, more restful sleep.

Another thing that has changed my life for the positive, is realizing that “things happen for me, not to me”.

Let me tell you, I have been through some very challenging and trying times in my life. But looking back, I know that everything that has happened in my life has been for my highest good. If you can start to be grateful, even in the most challenging of times, I promise you that your quality of life will increase immensely. God’s plan for us is so much greater than our plan for ourselves. As soon as we lean into this knowing we can open ourselves up to fully receive all of the goodness that is meant for us.

The last thing that I do to live a life of gratitude is to surround myself with reminders. Whether it’s a stone in your office, a bracelet, or a crystal sitting in your car, these objects are used as reminders to us to be thankful and to practice gratitude on a daily basis. We are all capable of living a life of grace and ease, and these daily gratitude practices are sure to bring you to that place of peace and joy.

Although these are my personal gratitude practices, they’re not the only ways you can practice gratitude. I’d love for you to share your gratitude practices in the comment section below. I look forward to reading your comments and adding your ideas to my own daily practices.

Dream it. Live it. BE it!


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