Shay Wheat’s Brand Transformation

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Do you have website shame? It’s a constant “work in progress” yet, it doesn’t do you or your brand any justice. Sadly, because of that, most people are confused with what it is that you do and how you can help them.

Sadly, because of that, most people are confused with what it is that you do and how you can help them.

If you really want to stand out as an authority, then you need a brand and website that positions you that way and speaks to the immediate need of your ideal client.

What is a brand? Your brand is not just your logo and color theme… it’s how you make people feel, it’s how your visuals and the voice of your brand come together.

When clients work with us through one of our highly sought after business coaching programs, defining their brand, message and website strategy is one of the first things we tackle. Why use video and drive them to a website that doesn’t represent who you are or get your client’s to convert? It kills me to see so many sites that do NOTHING for the business. There are lots of possibilities and one of them is working with our brand and website designer, Chelsey Marie.

Last week we talked about where to add video to your website, if you missed that one click here. This week we’re highlighting some amazing brand transformations we’ve done with our clients and yes all of them are using their “IT” Factor positioning video that I created with them in Los Angeles. I hope you’re inspired and see some things you can incorporate into your own site.

In an effort to inspire you to stand out on and offline we’ll showcasing some of our top clients and their brand transformations.

Meet Shay Wheat…

Certified international event producer for entrepreneurs who transforms lives. If you’re ready to host your own event and feel the fire within you to get started but you feel OVERWHELMED by all the things you need to do – the Shay is someone who can help you create a profitable and powerful event with grace and ease.

Shay’s before wasn’t instantly clear what she did exactly. Like so many entrepreneurs, she was trying to be too many things to too many people.



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Shay said…

“Chelsey is Amazing! She was able to learn about me, who I am, who I serve and create a brand that looks and feels like me. Prior to her and the Inspired Living team I had done it all on my own and as my business grew I outgrew the very “cookie cutter” website, colors and brand that I had done all on my own. Now I feel that my online image represents me and those I serve in the world. The team understood my vision and created it better than I could have communicated it to them. They really got the essence of who I am. Thank you so very much!”


Pretty fun to see the level of transformation, right? We are excited too. If you are curious about the transformation we could create in your business and how our team can support you in becoming an industry icon then fill out this short form so, we can get to know you better and schedule a Ignite Your Brand call.

I’d love to hear what you think so in the comments below give this amazing woman some love.



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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.