How to Reach Your Max Potential as a Mompreneur with Keirsten Quest

Are you one of those women entrepreneurs that have built something you are truly proud of? You are a leader in your community, you are doing what makes you feel great, but there is a part of you that is screaming because you are busting at the seams! You’re at capacity and at a place where your business is starting to cost you your health, time and resources…you’re not sure what to do.

This Thanksgiving I’m so thankful to be a mompreneur and I thought what better way to honor that then giving shining a light on a mompreneur committed to helping a million mompreneurs reach a million dollars with their companies.

I’m so excited to introduce to you my long time client and CEO of Max Potentials, Dr. Kiersten Quest, who is here to help us not only become more successful, but to make our lives EASIER!

Women owned businesses are growing at twice the rate of men owned businesses. That being said, women owned businesses are still not making the headway in revenue and sales dollars that they are capable of. It’s drives me nuts that most can’t scale past six-figures!

Here are some astonishing statistics, that put this idea into perspective:

  • Less than 4% of women owned businesses reach the $500,000 sales mark per year compared to 11% of male owned businesses.
  • Less than 2% of women owned businesses make it over the $1 million dollar sales mark, where 6% of men owned businesses reach this level.

These statistics are frustrating because I KNOW that women work just as hard as men and I believe our monetary success rates should be at more comparable levels.

Dr. Quests credits this gap in monetary success rates to the fact that many women build businesses from a more passionate, heart centered place than most men. Women also tend to have a mindset of necessity, instead of a mindset of opportunity. Dr. Quest encourages us women to look at things from a place of what could be, and what is possible, rather than from a place of protection. So many women have the fear of “not wanting to take too much of my family’s money to invest in my business”, which ends up stunting their business potential. Men on the other hand, don’t invest their family’s money, but instead finance all of their investments through their business.

Once you have the mindset, you have to get clear about what you want to achieve. What Dr. Quest has found, is that at the beginning of your business you have vision of what you think you can attain. As we grow, our vision expands. The problem is our practices do not always keep up with the expansions of our vision. It’s so important to take a strategic viewpoint of your business, and have some discipline around the strategy. The important factor to consider, is that we cannot execute our entire strategic plan by ourselves!

As women we think we are superwomen, and we can handle anything. But just because we CAN do it all, doesn’t mean we SHOULD! In fact, if we want to reach the levels of success we are destined for, we CANNOT do it all ourselves. Once you have identified your strategic plan, take the time to delegate the word that needs to be done to members of your team, so that you can live in your genius.

One of the things I love most about Kiersten, is her commitment to helping 1 million moms reach $1,000,000!

Kiersten wants to make a global impact, and to do so she knew she had to set a lofty goal. I have no doubts that she will reach this goal, because her drive is there, and she is willing to admit that she needs HELP to get there!

Keirsten will be hosting an exclusive interview series starting November 27th, 2017 featuring some mompreneurs you may know, like myself, Ali Brown, Susie Carder and more.

The series will teach you How Mompreneurs Reach Their MaxPotential: Insider Secrets to Reaching the Million-Dollar Mark and Beyond. Want to join us for the interview series, click here.

For all of the women out there who need Kiersten’s help, she has recently launched a program that allows women to walk through the strategic planning process. This program is called the “Business Expansion Catalyst Program”, and can be found on her website.

Are you not sure if you and your business are at the phase where you are ready for this program? Not a problem! Kiersten’s website also has a quiz that you can take that will show you where you are on the the business growth curve.

We are here to serve you, so you can continuing serving others! If you have been inspired by Dr. Quest, please share this video, and share the knowledge you have gained, so that the inspiration keeps on spreading!

Until next time, Dream it. Live it. Be IT!


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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.