How to Find and Keep True Love with April Beyer

Are you currently single and find it more and more difficult to find love? Are you confused by all of the dating and relationship advice that is out there, and just don’t know what “rules” you need to follow to find the man (or woman) of your dreams? If this sounds like you, you are going to “love” today’s Inspired Living episode.

I had the pleasure of interviewing my dear friend, April Beyer. For over 17 years, she has been known and recognized as the elite matchmaker and dating coach to some of the country’s most influential and marriage minded men. She has helped Women bridge the gap between wanting love and actually finding it.

In this Inspired Living interview, April Beyer talks about why it appears to be more and more difficult to find love, and some simple steps you can take today to banish those pre-conceived notions of dating and what you can do to meet the right person for you.

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