Women’s Health with Michelle Robson

How often do we find ourselves in situations that can so easily be solved by just a simple conversation with someone who understands? When it comes to Women’s Health there are so many opinions and options.

I know there have been many instances in which I’ve turned to the Internet, rather than a friend or family member, to find help. I’ve typed in the symptoms, often getting results of something far worse than expected! Isn’t that just how it goes.

Thankfully, sometimes our greatest obstacles in life can also become our greatest opportunities. I had the pleasure of interviewing one of the largest health advocates for women, a true inspiration, Michelle King-Robson.

As the creator of EmpowHER, Michelle has changed, saved, and impacted millions of lives. Not only with her personal story, but also with the network of women she has invited to her site that share their stories with us daily.

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