Is it all “Smoke and Mirrors”?

It’s a new year with new goals and aspirations.

As your day winds down, you pour yourself a glass of wine and check your Facebook feed. You think, “How are all the status updates so amazing! She is where, doing what, with who?!!” (que more wine)

Before you know it you are filled with envy and self-defeating thoughts.

You are NOT alone and the truth is, what you SEE is NOT always the TRUTH. I know shocker! (btw, reality TV is not real at all)

We all put out what we want others to see and in this video I am helping you un-fog the lenses to see through the “smoke and mirrors.”

  • Clear the smoke. Everything is smoke and mirrors. It’s why Hollywood is Hollywood. We get makeup done and hair done and have lighting crews and good cameras, I mean we can make anyone look good! You are seeing everything through a filter and you are only seeing a snap shots of someone’s life. Everyone has bad selfie days (even Kim K)! What you’re seeing is really only a small part of the bigger picture
  • Look in the mirror. When something comes up where you are feeling jealous or envious of someone, try to figure out what is it in your conscious or subconscious that is bringing these things up for you? What are you wanting in life that you don’t have? It is our subconscious that creates our outcomes. Disclaimer: How you view other people and situations is a direct indication of how you view yourself.
  • Use it as fuel. Check in with yourself and instead of feeling envious figure out what you want that someone else has and how to get it. Everything is perspective. We all see the world through a different set of lenses. When you can adjust your lenses to see through the smoke and mirrors life becomes beautiful, it becomes inspiring, and it becomes clear. If your lenses are foggy nothing is going to look good.

Do you often find yourself going down the rabbit hole of envy? And if so what do you do to pull yourself out of it? Please post your comments below. When you are inspired, you inspire others!

Shine ON!!!



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