Lifestyle & Beauty with Kym Douglas

In this week’s ILTV interview, I am on the set of Hallmark Channel’s Home & Family talking with the fabulous Kym Douglas all about beauty and business. Kym Douglas is a television host, best selling author, beauty, fashion and lifestyle expert. She is also a coveted contributor to magazines and editorials around the country. You have seen her on Ellen, The Doctors and is a regular “family” member on the Emmy winning show “Home and Family.” In this interview Kym shares her greatest piece of advice when it comes to following your dreams along with her passion of helping women look and feel beautiful.

  • Have a cheerleader. So many people do not have that person in their lives to cheer them on and keep them motivated. Kym suggests to find someone who you can look up to and use them as a mentor, follow them, research them and emulate what they are doing.
  • Don’t give up after rejection. Kym’s path was not always a straight one and she had to deal with a lot of rejection to get where she is today. In show business, people see you when you are successful but they don’t always see you when you’re not. Being rejected day after day can really wear you down but you can’t give up. If you have the gnawing in your heart that you want something, it isn’t by coincidence. That is your gift and your calling and you have to go for it.
  • Lift people’s spirits. One of the things I love about Kym is her amazing sense of humor. While working with Ellen DeGeneres, Kym noticed how Ellen could lift people’s spirits with her personality and humor. She decided that if she couldn’t do anything else, if she could make just one person smile on a day when they need it, then maybe that was her calling. We need more smiles and laughter.
  • You do not always have to look perfect. The magazines and media portray that women have to always be beautiful and done up which is not realistic. We have to ban together to show that we don’t always have to look perfect.

Inspired living means lifting each other up as we continue to pursue our dreams! Please take a moment to comment below and share your thoughts!

When you are inspired, you inspire others!


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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.