Ditch the Need for Approval – by Keri Murphy

Life is one big popularity contest. We are vying for the approval and acceptance of one another. We have become “people pleasers” on steroids, and wear our approval like a badge of honor. But is this really fulfilling? Is subjecting yourself to hours of wasted time, energy and personal preferences the way you want to live your life? Dependency on the satisfaction we derive from the approval of family, coworkers, romantic partners or peers can ensnare us and inevitably keeps us away from our true selves.

Neale Donald Walsch said, “As long as you are worried about what others think of you, you are owned by them. Only when you require no approval from outside yourself can you truly own yourself.”

One of the greatest freedoms we are granted is the ability to do whatever it is we choose. This should not, however, be tied to an overwhelming need to meet someone else’s standards.

Take ownership of yourself, your mind and your life! Follow the path set by your hearts TRUE desires. Avoid taking the easy way out because you know the majority will approve. Forget what others think. Does their opinion really matter?

“Don’t let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big.” Because they are not! Stop now, start today, and live the way YOU want to!

In this list, compiled from a multitude of sources, find out the why living your life for yourself is so important!

Approval is another word for opinion and the only opinion that matters is your own. We create our own reality, but allowing the opinion of others to become your reality limits you. Loving the person that you are inside and out and embracing your dreams will lead you down the road to happiness and success. Never sacrifice who you are and who you are meant to become out of fear that someone else will not like it. Because lets face it, you cannot please everyone! You can, however, please yourself. Becoming your true self, means letting go of the need to be “perfect” in the eyes of others. A quote from the Marc and Angel Hack Life blog said it best, “what you love determines your dreams, your dreams determine your actions, and your actions determine your destiny.”

Each of our journeys is different and so is our perspective. We are each built on a foundation of morals, life experiences, perspectives and knowledge. Our individuality makes us each extraordinary. What has come before and lies ahead is what molds us into the people we are. Exploration is necessary. Do not be afraid of the uncertainty and take challenges in stride. When life pushes you, push back! Do not allow for others determine the path you will take. This is your unique journey, allow yourself to grow and learn from YOUR experiences, not others.

Firsthand experience is necessary for personal growth. Some lessons in life are best learned through actual experience. Sure, you can get the basic idea if someone tells you about an experience, but until you go through it yourself you will never fully understand it. After a new lesson, you have the opportunity to think, reflect, draw your own conclusions and then take your own educated steps in whichever direction you choose. Don’t let someone try to take experiences from you by giving their opinion. I cannot tell you how many times I would have missed something great if I had listened to someone’s opinion about it.

Intuition requires no approval. Steve Jobs once said, “Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice, heart and intuition.  They somehow already know what you truly want to become.  Everything else is secondary.” Trust your first instinct and if it feels right, take a chance. Don’t let others fence you in with their ideals of right and wrong.

We have one lifetime to pursue a dream, and life is too short to wait. Why is it that we always start to think about really doing something in the wake of a tragedy or the diagnosis of a terminal illness? Suddenly you are jarred enough to realize how precious life really is. But life is that way ALL THE TIME! We have ONE life and it is happening RIGHT NOW! Its not starting tomorrow, it won’t start after your boss approves your next promotion, or after your spouse retires, it is unfolding this very moment. So stop waiting for the right moment, the approving eye, the go ahead. It is far better to be learning while doing something you love than succeeding and going through the motions of something you feel like you should be doing. Hold onto YOUR true vision and watch it come to life.




© 2012 Inspired Living, LLC

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Keri Murphy and the Inspired Living team is on a mission to empower people to use their unique talents in a way that allows them to Dream, Live and BE all that is possible through speaking, coaching, celebrity interviews and original on-line content. Get Inspired at inspiredliving.tv



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