The Power of “I AM” – by Keri Murphy

Words have the power to create or destroy. The way we use them determines the results they will bring. We repeat negative words concerning situations and events and consequently create more undesirable situations in return.

As a child with an unsatisfactory grade on your report card, you thought to yourself, I am not smart. In a competition, you place below first and say, I am not talented. If criticized you believe, I am not good. Looking in the mirror and comparing yourself to peers and movie stars, you tell yourself, I am not attractive. A relationship fails and you think, I am undeserving. Negative affirmations similar to these are repeated constantly through our developmental years and into adulthood and become your core defining self-concept.

Overcoming the I am not mentality means you must trust in the power of I am. Joel Osteen said, “What follows the “I AM” will always come looking for you.” Each moment our self talk, beliefs and in turn how we feel (the Law of Attraction) creates the course of our lives. The subconscious mind accepts as true what you keep telling it and will then attract corresponding situations into your life. So why would you choose anything but positive statements?

What do you want to define your life by? Start by taking an inventory of these things. Then, in your thoughts and imagination, make an intentional shift from I am not or I am hoping – to I am. Sounds simple enough right?

In your inner dialogue, change the words you use to define yourself, thus creating a new self-concept. This will steer your mindset away from the I am not mentality.  By rewording your inner world, you are taking the first step in fulfilling your dreams and desires.

Returning to the negative affirmations we tell ourselves, now with your new inner dialogue…

Instead of I am not able to get a job, shift that to I am capable.

Or I am unlucky in love becomes I am love.

I am unworthy of happiness becomes I am happiness.

Instead of saying things like, when I am successful or when I have more money, choose language such as…

I am successful.

I am abundant and have everything I need.

The words I am, have the power to create. They can create a new definition of who you are and what you are capable of. Break the lifelong cycle of negativity and watch as you rise to unimagined heights. If your outer self can accept the limitless power of your inner spirit, then the things placed in your imagination can become reality.

Examine YOUR I AM, what are your speaking over in your life? Are your thoughts telling you no before you can even take action? Harness the power of I AM and kick those dreams into high gear!




© 2012 Inspired Living, LLC

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