Let’s Redefine Vacation


Ahhh….Summer! We all love it. August wraps up peak summer traveling season. People all over the country are jetting off for their last fling before getting back to the daily grind of work, school and life commitments. According to USA Today, 140,000,000 Americans planned to travel this summer, nearly half of Americans in the country. Roughly 20 percent of those travelers chose the month of August for their getaway.

Merriam-Webster’s definition of vacation is,  “A scheduled period in which activity is suspended.” Whether traveling across the globe to an exotic paradise or just a few hours away, vacations for most are a much-needed break from daily routine however they do not need to be sedentary or over-indulgent. Many set goals for themselves leading up to their vacation and take months building healthier lifestyles.

Hours sweating in the gym, eating more fruits and vegetables and skipping coveted high calorie coffee drinks have paid off. Finally, that bikini fits just right. You are energized, motivated and ready to show it all off. Then because you are on “vacation” grim reaper of overindulgence and neglecting healthy habits comes knocking at your door. Now I am all for relaxing on a beautiful beach somewhere taking a much-needed time-out; but do not let your vacation become the kiss of death for your healthy lifestyle. Planning and choosing to be mindful during your trip, can help you enjoy yourself without taking back months of hard work.

Here are four healthy travel tips to make sure you feel great and rested not only while you’re away but when you get back too!

1.    Stay Active

Did you know that the type of vacation you take might play a role in how refreshed you feel after returning home? Most think, white sandy beaches, basking in the sun while drinking an umbrella-clad beverage is the key to “recharging”. However research has shown that people who take more active vacations, report feeling more rested and eager to get back to work.

Start your vacation by making an exercise plan. If you are on the beach, wake up and go for a walk or run along the coastline. In the mountains, explore the terrain around you with nearby hikes. If you are staying in the city, walk as many places as you can. You will see more sights and places that you would have missed driving from attraction to attraction in a car.

Resistance bands or jump ropes do not take up a significant amount of space in your suitcase, leaving more room for souvenirs, and are an easy way to get in both a cardio and strength based workouts.

The website below will help you locate a fitness center near you with all the amenities that you may need for your daily workouts. It has locations for fitness centers in 74 countries around the globe.



2.    Bring Healthy Snacks

Avoid overeating and making bad food choices by packing snacks in your carry on bag. Eat small snacks every 2-3 hours, just as you would at home. You will be less likely to drive through fast food at your nearest highway exit or hit Cinnabon in the airport. Easy nonperishable snack suggestions include meal replacement bars, granola bars, nuts and seeds, fresh fruit, beef jerky, natural peanut butter and whole grain crackers or a protein shake and shaker cup.

Traveling gives you the opportunity to try foods you may have never had before, so enjoy, but do not overindulge. Once you have reached your destination find a grocery store nearby and stock up on nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack options. This will help you to not only save a few bucks, but you will feel better about treating yourself to the local cuisine if you eat healthy throughout the day. Who knows maybe you will even find a new vegetable, fruit or grain you can add to your healthy diet back home.

Do not skip breakfast! In the whirlwind of site seeing it is easy to wake up and get going. Breakfast however, helps prepare your body for a day full of activities. A meal that includes a whole grain, fruit and protein source would be the best to get your body going.


3.    Stay Hydrated

Sitting on a plane can dehydrate you and lead to jet lag, but drinking water while you’re in the air and after you land can help. Include an antioxidant complex if possible.


 4.    Avoid Getting Sick

Traveling can be stressful and germy between the airplane bathrooms, crowded terminals and the coughing toddler behind you. For two or three days before, add in extra vitamin C in preparation for your trip. It will help you fight viruses and break down stress hormones. Whole food options include strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli and citrus fruits.

If you follow these 4 simple healthy tips you will be able to not enjoy a great break from the hustle of everyday life but you will be re-energized and ready to take on the world when you get back.


Dream it. Live it. BE it!




© 2012 Inspired Living, LLC

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Keri Murphy and the Inspired Living team is on a mission to empower people to use their unique talents in a way that allows them to Dream, Live and BE all that is possible through speaking, coaching, celebrity interviews and original on-line content. Get Inspired at inspiredliving.tv



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