NEW Spotlight Interview: “Love, Loss, and Real-Life Relationship Magic” with Montrella Cowan, MSW, LICSW

When it comes to love, many of us have consumed far too many DisneyⓇ movies! Reality is often quite different though, especially in today’s unprecedented circumstances. Over the last few months, many people have lost loved ones—even their moms. Some are sheltering all alone, others can’t get a moment to themselves. How do we create and maintain loving relationships amid all this?

In today’s interview, I’m speaking with licensed psychotherapist, Montrella Cowan, MSW, LICSW a courageous mother and inspiring mentor who has earned the title “Love” Fairy Godmother. Montrella works with both couples and singles looking to create and nurture love in their lives. She teaches that each of us needs to follow these steps to find love.

  • Believe that love is real and possible.No one’s story is a fairytale, but we can all find and maintain love with family, friends, and spouses.
  • Take a look in the mirror.Understanding yourself and your own values are such an important part of setting up a healthy base for any relationship.
  • Develop your communication skills. People communicate in different ways and want to be heard in different ways. Montrella teaches an actual communication structure that goes beyond just listening and responding.
  • Heal your past. If you don’t heal your past hurts, you bring them into your next relationship and that is not a strong base to start a partnership.

Montrella practices what she preaches and she is a living testament! She proves there is hope for finding self-love even after deep trauma.

Her story is both heartbreaking and inspiring. Lean in as she shares it in today’s interview. I am in awe of the work Montrella has done in order to find love and to be in a good place. And I’m incredibly inspired by the way she’s taking her story and using it to help others.

Montrella also shares her wisdom in her newly released book “The Purse”, where she brings you in to explore and learn from her personal experiences…calling it an essential guide to healthy relationships.

If you are looking to create deeper connections with loved ones or more importantly, with yourself, visit Montrella Cowan, MSW, LICSW online at and on social media, @Affinity411.

With Mother’s Day just about here, starting to build and maintain loving relationships with family, friends, and spouses today will have your heart, mind, and soul thanking you!

And please share this with someone you cherish, because when you’re inspired, you inspire others.

Dream it. Live it. BE it!



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