4 Ways To Improve Your On-Camera Confidence

I’ve said it many times before, and I’m going to keep saying it: You need to use video. Video is the #1 way to reach your ideal client online. 

I know… Stepping up to a camera can cause the most articulate person to lose the ability to string sentences together. That’s why I’m here. I promise that you can improve your skills in front of the camera so that you connect with your audience and grow your business. 

Today, I’m sharing four tips you can implement today to become more confident on camera. When you work on these, you’ll come across more authentic in your videos. And when you find your groove, that’s when things really start to happen.


Give these tips a try, and let me know how it goes. Say, do you know the best place to go when you’re working on this? Join me in the Ignite Your “IT” Factor group on Facebook. We’re a whole community of people working to improve our videos, our businesses, and ourselves. We’ve got a special video challenge planned in a couple of weeks that you don’t want to miss.

Remember to…Dream it. Live it. BE it! 

Keri Murphy of Inspired Living





P.S. Have you joined our “Ignite Your ‘IT’ Factor” group on Facebook yet? Come on over and join other inspiring entrepreneurs as they work to expand their brand and business. In this group, we share tips, truths, and other encouragement to guide you to discover what makes you, YOU. Your “IT” factor is essential for you to stand out and succeed in your business. We’re all about helping you get ready to step into the spotlight and shine (on camera, on stage, and anywhere)!


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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.