How to live your truth with Linda Parker

So many women work hard in their life to reach a certain level of success. Then one day they wake up, look in the mirror and say, “Is this it? Who am I?”

It’s an easy trap to live a life we were taught to live instead of the life we want to live. Which is why I am so excited to introduce Linda Parker, who is a mindset and success coach. Linda helps clients figure out what’s happening on the inside so that they can have the life they want on the outside.

Women come to Linda after working hard to achieve a certain level of success. These women aren’t happy because they feel like they’re missing something, and Linda knows a thing or two about that.

Linda’s story

Linda was a successful professional working in the banking industry. She started her career right after high school, immediately going into the workforce without attending college and working her way up.

She achieved senior management, but something was missing. One day Linda woke up and was no longer able to ignore the feelings of unhappiness she was experiencing. She knew she felt unhappy but wasn’t sure why.

“I started asking God this question: is this all there is? I really needed a change so I started doing things like goal-setting and vision-boarding. All to get myself to somewhere else in my life.”

Once she started to do the work on herself, other people became interested and inspired and turned to her for guidance. This is how her coaching business started. But her reinvention journey was not easy.

“I felt guilt and shame. Why should I be unhappy? I was married, I had the house the car, my finances were in order. But I felt unhappy.”

So Linda examined her core values. She realized that the reason she was feeling so disconnected was because she was living for someone else. She wasn’t living her truth.

We are so conditioned by our environments, childhoods, religion, and education. It’s almost like we’re told from very early on what our path is. It’s a startling discovery to realize that what you thought was “you” – really isn’t resonating.

The Tipping Point

Once Linda understood what she wanted her life to look like – things changed. This experience is similar to what her clients experience when they come to see her.

“They have negative feelings and they don’t know where they’re coming from. And it’s because we are conditioned to be a certain way and you do everything you’re supposed to be doing. But you still ask yourself, why aren’t I happy? What did I do wrong? Or what’s wrong with me?”

This dialogue runs the danger of keeping us stuck in this unhappiness. In a larger sense, we sometimes stay in a feeling of doing just “OK.” We live in mediocrity, we have OK relationships and an OK work life. Sometimes it takes something tragic and dramatic for us to have that aha moment. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Look Within

To remedy this, Linda advises us to “Look Within,” which is incidentally the name of her business. One of the first things Linda suggests is to look at your core values.

“Because we are conditioned and living our lives by default, we are really not living intentionally. When you become aware of what you really want and what’s important to you, and start living your life that way – you’re able to release the negative thoughts and feelings you have in your head.”

Linda says that doing so will allow you to live more in alignment with who you are. Success and happiness will follow.

Linda mostly works with women in corporate positions who are looking to start something different. She begins with a 6-month program, which focuses on core values and examining whether her clients are living in alignment with those.

For example, someone’s core value may be that the family comes first. But they are working a lot and not spending time with their family. This creates misalignment. Starting within really sets us on a path to getting on the right path. Once you have this figured out, everything around you changes – your friends, your family, and your home life.

Once these essentials are figured out, Linda helps women transition from the corporate world into an entrepreneurial track. But this isn’t always easy.

“Usually people are worried about what people are going to think about them or say about them. They are worried about their families, are they going to have enough time for them? There are so many layers of conversations going on in our head but the fact of the matter is, once you become aware of what’s really important to you and of the changes you want to make in the world, things fall into place.”

Linda also recommends looking at your friend circle. Who are you surrounding yourself with? Are the people around you going to lift you up? It’s important to have a network of positive influences.

Linda’s goal is to help people understand this concept, which helped her and so many other women. And she kindly offers a way for people to do it for free!

Make It Happen

Linda mentioned a three-part video series in her interview, but after we recorded, she decided to create a special master class just for you! The “Make It Happen” class is just under 60 minutes, completely free, and teaches how to identify what is holding you back and take the steps that will create the life you want.

Linda’s parting words of advice are these:

“If you feel unhappy, you are having that feeling for a reason. It is not going to go away. And you should trust your instinct. If you are feeling this way, you have to start looking at what you are doing on a daily basis and how you are living your life. Once you start becoming aware of what’s showing up in your life, it’s going to become clear where the disconnection is for you. Everything you need is within, it’s there”.

Learn more about Linda here

Get your special “Make It Happen” master class from Linda here!

So many women can benefit from Linda, so I want to thank her for sharing this with us. If any of this has resonated with you, or you know someone who is going through something similar in their life, please share it with them. This might be just the thing they need to start the action.

As always…

Dream it. Live it. BE it.

Keri Murphy of Inspired Living


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