The Best (and Worst) Business Advice I’ve Ever Received

Let’s face it, running a business is not easy. And if you’re a solopreneur, it’s often difficult to know who to turn to for advice about the growth and direction of your business. So, I’d like to share with you Some of the Best Advice I’ve Ever Received in my 20+ years in business, and quite frankly, some of the worst.

Let’s start with some not so great advice…

Go Big or Go Home!

You know that ‘go big, go home’ mentality? Nope, it doesn’t work for me. Maybe this is just a girl thing, but I often feel like we’re intuitive in our business and sometimes going big isn’t the right thing to do at that time.

You have to really understand where you’re at and what your goals are because sometimes starting small is the perfect place to start. So if someone is telling you to go big or go home, maybe you should tell them to go home instead. 🙂

Surround Yourself With Inspiring Business Owners

Now some of the BEST advice I’ve gotten has come from my incredible mentors and coaches that I’ve hired throughout the years. Some I’ve paid for and some I haven’t. Personally, the investment of constantly surrounding myself with people who are doing amazing things in the world is the key to growing Inspired Living.

I remember back when I owned a talent agency and we were going through a very stressful time (keyword here: recession). I received some advice from my friend Ferris that I still think of today. He said, “Keri, you’re not working at your best and highest use. And until you do, nothing in your business will go where you want it to go.” *TRUTH BOMB

Work At Your Best and Highest Use

Now really think about that. What does that mean as an entrepreneur? “Working at your best and highest use.” It means doing what only you can do. Really understanding what makes you unique, holding onto that unapologetically, and putting it out into the world.

The more you do what brings you joy, the more you’re going to reach people, make more money, and create the impact you want in the world.

Not to be confused with this piece of advice:

Do What You Love and the Money Will Come

We’ve probably all heard this one, Trust me, I drank that kool-aid. You want to love what you do, no doubt. But often times we’re like, “Oh, I love what I do! The money is just going to come through the heavens down into my bank account.”

Yeah… Sorry, it doesn’t happen that way. Do what you love, surround yourself with an incredible team – even if it’s a team of one – and STOP listening to everyone else’ advice! Quite frankly, we often turn to people who aren’t business owners, so they have no idea what your vision is and they’ve never done what you’re doing.



  1. Listen to that internal compass.
  2. Surround yourself with like-minded visionaries and smart business people to help you make decisions.
  3. Don’t worry about failure.

Just look forward to what you want to create and be consistent with what you’re putting out into the world. Like I said, I’ve been an entrepreneur for over 20 years and I think we often shy away from failure, but the only way to grow a brand that really impacts the world is by testing and trying. And more importantly, believing in yourself and being committed to what you’re doing.

Speaking of Great Advice…

We have an event coming up! I bringing together some of the most amazing women in business that have created seven and eight-figure brands and they’re going to teach you how they did it. Great advice comes from those people in the trenches, not just hearing their success stories, but learning what really moved the dial for them. It’s often those little steps you take every day that gets you to that big, brilliant vision.

So I invite you to join us for The Brilliant Event, June 2-4th.

Go to and get advice from the people who have been there and done that and can help you get there with ease and grace. I look forward to seeing you there!


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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.