How to Become an Animal Communicator with Joan Ranquet

Whether you are a “dog” person, or a “cat” person, I think we can all agree that our pets are more than just our animals. They are truly members of our family, and oftentimes our best friends. We all talk to our pets on a daily basis, but what if I told you that you could make a living off of animal communication?

Believe it or not, it’s true, because today I am sitting down with best selling author, speaker and animal communication expert, Joan Ranquet, who has been making a living by communicating with animals for over 25 years!

Joan’s gift for communicating with animals began after she tragically lost her horse, who was also her best friend. Before the horses’ passing, she would often hire animal communicators for “fun”, to be able to connect with her horse more deeply. When her horse passed, she left behind an orphaned colt. This was when Joan began honing her skill, and began communicating with the colt on her own. This was the beginning of a wild ride for Joan!

Since then, Joan has not only communicated with thousands of animals, but she has also trained thousands of people to build businesses doing the same thing that she has. In addition to instructing how to communicate with animals, she also uses her background in energy healing and bodywork, to instruct others to perform energy work, such as EFT and chakra healing on animals as well.

As you can imagine, Joan’s gift wasn’t always received in the best light from family and friends. In fact, it took many years for her parents to get on board with her profession. Joan’s path hasn’t been an easy one, filled with family deaths, terminal diagnoses, not to mention starting a business in the midst of a market crash.

Joan’s story has been far from “normal”, but that is what makes it all the more inspiring! Watch my Spotlight Interview with Joan below to learn:

     How the death of one sister, and the AIDS diagnosis of her other sister ignited her passion to study energy healing.

     How it took communicating with a baby elephant on national television for her father to support her.

     How her mother’s diagnosis with cancer pushed Joan to think outside the box on how she could expand her reach.  

     How she uses her position to help endangered species, and bring awareness to the consumerism crisis.  

     How her unwavering love for healing is what kept her going through the toughest of times.

Joan is an incredibly brilliant woman, with so many resources to offer! If you are interested in connecting with your animals on a deeper level, or make animal communication your business, Joan has books, intensives, as well as several online courses that can take you to whatever level of animal communication and healing you are interested in reaching! For more information, visit her website.  

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