The Top Magical Moments from Brilliant 2018

On June 3rd, 2018 in Redondo beach, California, 85 women from all over the WORLD gathered at the Brilliant Event. They gathered together to gain insight into the top leadership, branding, and business trends that will help them grow 6, 7, and 8 figure brands.

As our second year hosting this event approached, my team and I prayed that we would be able to create the same magical experience that we had in 2017.

“My friends, you did it again” as one attendee from last year said.

There is no other event like this. If you weren’t able to join this year we still wanted you to be inspired so today I’m sharing a few of our favorite moments from the two days.

Registration for the 2019 event isn’t open yet to the public, but if you want to be on our priority notification list for Brilliant 2019, just click here and you’ll be the first to know.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in business it’s that, team is everything – and this was one of the main lessons from the event for our attendees. In the last year my team has grown so much!

When you work with Inspired Living you don’t just get me, you get access to all the Inspired Living coaches. This year they all joined me at Brilliant and I had the privilege of being able to honor all of them for a moment. The manager of Kendra Scott in El Segundo came to share the story of how Kendra Scott became the fantastic brand that it is today. Through her story we saw that when you set out to be in service and “do good” you can accomplish brilliant things. Kendra Scott is one of our brand partners for the event because she focuses on giving back and her company value is all about partnerships (something, we always are encouraging our own community to cultivate).

If you don’t know your vision and mission, you don’t know anything. Jennifer Adams, is the CEO and founder of Jennifer Adams
Home and she talked about the trajectory of her company and how staying focused on those two elements (vision and mission) has helped her and her team set and achieve their goals.

Cultivate your community. These entrepreneurial events tend to stir up emotions. Emotions about the growth your company is experiencing, emotions about possibility and change and hope. When we started the Brilliant event it was because of this and the idea that as you experience those emotions you are not alone. And, I have to say that every single woman who attended this event showed up not only to learn but to be there for the women around them.

Also, hugs are the best!

“The harder you fall the higher you bounce back.” Kim Lyons blew us away by not only her ability to squat in heels but her determination and resilience in life.  As Kim talked about all the ways she had failed, we saw ourselves in her stories, as she told the story of how she bounced back and the purpose behind each of her failures we saw the possibility in ourselves. Next up, the gorgeous, Paige Adams-Geller, founder & creative director, who shared with us how she learned to embraced and express her truth. She reiterated, “Authenticity is everything. In those moments when you are afraid and you think you are going to screw up everything, those moments are life-changing. The minute you can really tell the truth and live in that truth and say what you really think about that situation it can lead you to a whole new world.” And of course, I had the pleasure of sharing my genius throughout the event with my own IT Factor about a few topics but my new favorite topic all about the making of a Luminary Leader and what that really means.

“To be a Luminary is to be a person who inspires or influences others, especially one prominent in a particular sphere. To be a leader is to be someone who leads an organization or company that is the most advanced or successful in a particular area. This is what my team and I hope for you. The concept of starting where you are, using what you have, and learning what you don’t know, took on an entirely new meaning as Anna-Mieke Anderson, shared her story about starting MiaDonna & Company. Anna pioneered the lab grown diamond industry and no matter what obstacles she hit she kept going because her why was so much larger than where she is.

At the end of the three days, we were mostly reminded that you don’t have to go it alone, just because you work from home.

Our commitment is to make each year as magical as the last and that those who keep coming back get fresh insight, ideas and inspiration for the next year of their own business. As I said, the doors aren’t quite open for 2019 but we would LOVE, love love to see you there. Click here to make sure you are on the list.


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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.