How to Create a Video Blog

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You’re someone who wants to become an influencer in your industry, a thought leader, the “go-to” expert…but you don’t know how to expand your reach, right? Unless you’re living in a dark hole, you know that video is the best (and quickest) way to do that but the thought of shooting a weekly video sends you under the covers.

I get it!

Shooting and planning your video content can be a lot of work but there’s an easier way and in this ILTV episode, I’m going to show you how.

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I was at an event this week and had multiple people come up to me full of hugs and smiles because they were a “Keri fan” and had been watching my videos for quite some time.

I was surprisingly shocked that so many people knew who I was but the honest truth is, video closes a BIG GAP between perception of a person and brand and feeling like you know a person or brand. We make buying decisions from people we LIKE, so if you’re not using video it’s making it difficult for your ideal client to make that choice and most likely, they end up going somewhere else.

Inc. magazine recently wrote an article stating the people are 67% more likely to buy a product or service AFTER watching a video. So yes, no more “I know I need to but I’m not ready.” It’s time to jump on the video bandwagon, don’t worry…I’ll catch you. 🙂

Watch this week’s ILTV episode for my tips, tricks and trade secrets to creating exceptional videos for your business!

As always, thanks for tuning in! Until next time Dream it. Live it. BE it!

P.S. If you’ve been wanting to attend my signature 2 day “IT” Factor on-camera training for hands-on help with how to authentically show up on video and craft a marketing message that connects and converts, NOW is the time. The price is increasing significantly starting in January, so sign up now… don’t worry you’ll have 6 months to attend. Plus, if you take advantage of joining us Nov. 9 -10th (I know it’s soon, we had a last minute cancellation) I’m throwing in photos with my celebrity photographer. Want to learn more? Email us at [email protected] or go to



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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.