How to Overcome Disappointment

I recently had a friend reach out to me and ask me, “Keri, how is it you stay so positive through disappointment?” I have definitely gone through a lot of tough stuff in my life. We all go challenging times of disappointment where it feels like we are hitting a wall when it comes to pursuing our dreams and goals. I shared with her a few tips of how I deal with disappointment, that I would like to share with you.



  1. Everything happens for our greater good. I truly believe that everything happens for our greater good whether we realize it or not! Each challenge is a lesson to guide us on our divine path. That doesn’t mean I don’t feel whatever emotions come up, however, knowing this allows me to shift quickly and not stay stuck.
  2. Timing is always perfect even when it’s not our own. Timing is everything. Just because it’s not my timing doesn’t mean it’s not the perfect timing. There are SO many things I’ve thought I really wanted. Whether it be a job, a relationship or something else and as I look back, I’m thankful for the times it did not go my way. If there is something that you really want and you keep getting no’s, there is a yes around the corner. Success comes down to your determination and your belief in yourself.
  3. Ask, what am I attracting? I know this can be a tough one to swallow but we attract everything that comes into our life. So I ask myself often, what am I bringing into my life? What is it about me that is attracting these people or things into my life? I am constantly looking at my own limiting beliefs and emotional imprints that frame who we are. I then make an effort to shift what it is I am attracting. If I don’t know it then I reach out to someone for help because we have a tendency to keep attracting the same thing over and over again. Looking inward is so important to finding your own true happiness and joy.
  4. What do I need to learn? Every disappointment, every “failure” (BTW I don’t believe in failure) is an opportunity to learn something great. It is up to us to decide what it is we are going to take away from that. Are we going to make excuses and place blame or are we going to look at what we can learn from the situation.

Remember that everything that happens in your life is for your greater good. When you are disappointed let yourself feel that way but then start focusing on the next step and let go of that disappointment. Looking in your past will never help you move forward.

I would love to hear from you! How do you handle disappointment? What has been something that you really wanted in your life that didn’t happen and what did you do to get through that?

Please share your comments with us. When you’re inspired, you inspire others!


Shine ON!!


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