How to kick your inner comparison critic to the curb!

You have a burning desire to start a new business, speak about something you’re passionate about or create something “new” and then you notice, someone else is already doing it! Your inner critic kicks in and says, “Who are you to do this? Someone else is already doing it.” Before you know it, you have given up before you even got started.

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” This powerful quote from Theodore Roosevelt, is one that you need to live by! We are all guilty of comparing ourselves to others – whether we realize it or not. The internet provides us with so many opportunities to do so. All we see is how great everyone else has it but I promise you, we all deal with the same self-doubt, bad days, and insecurities.  We can not use other people as an excuse or a reason not to chase after our dreams. You have that idea and vision for a reason!
It is time to kick that comparison critic to the curb! You are unique and there will never be another YOU! Everyone has a different path and we all move at our own pace – never forget that. I once heard a great quote, “When it comes to your destiny there is no such thing as competition.” I love that and think of it often.
In this week’s new IL video, I have a few important reasons for you to kick that nasty comparison critic and to the curb. Watch this short video and put that plan back into action. You are enough!


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – there is only ONE you! Letting other people get in the way of who you know you are meant to be is toxic. You are special, if you know you’re destined to do something, DO IT! The only competition you have is the person staring back at you in the mirror each day.

I know what you’re thinking, and yes, there are a million other people out there doing what you’re doing. But you have your own way of doing things, and someone likes that about you. Different strokes for different folks! There is someone out there who is looking for what you’ve got, don’t keep that from the world.

Do you know how many people there are on this planet? PLENTY. Plenty for you, plenty for me, and plenty for everyone else who’s doing what you’re doing. We can’t serve everyone, and not everyone is going to like what it is you’ve got to give. Don’t worry about what others are doing! There is enough money and resources in the world to help you achieve what it is you’re striving to do. Have faith that you were put here for a reason and nothing will keep you from giving that reason LIFE.

Do you struggle with that inner comparison critic? What are some of the ways you avoid falling into this toxic mindset? I would love to hear from you! Your comment just may help someone else today.


Shine ON!!




PS. If this video inspired you, please share it with someone you care about- when you are inspired, you inspire others!


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