How to keep your focus in 2015

It’s the beginning of a New Year! While some of us are making resolutions that are bound to be broken so quickly into the year, others are setting goals and making plans to make a difference in the coming year one day at time. When it comes to the resolutions we made for 2015…to lose weight, eat better, be kinder, elevate our business to another level, start a business…ect. The one thing that is guaranteed to help fulfill the resolutions we made is to change our mindset.

What is your intention for 2015? Are you aiming to get a better job? Do you want to be healthier? Perhaps, you want to be more giving of your time? When I think of the word resolution, I can’t help but think more short-term. We get too aggressive too quick, and we forget to take it one day at a time… Making your goals come to life is more about having a positive mindset, and taking small steps in the right direction to create the life that you desire.

So, how do we keep on track? What can you do to make your goals come to life? I’ve got a few tips for you…

1. Be open to change: Change is difficult; it is also the only constant we can count on to continue to be present in our lives. With that being said, you should learn to embrace it! With change comes lessons to learn from, new experiences, and even the possibility of meeting new people.

2. Know your limits: Do not expect yourself to immediately be a better person or have copious amounts of time to give in the beginning. Learn to prioritize, and be sure to know when enough is enough. Taking care of yourself should come first and foremost.

3. Love what you do: Loving what you do is a luxury many have yet to experience. If you aren’t happy with the direction your life is heading in, take a day to make a list, start switching gears, and get yourself headed in a more positive direction. Good things take time, and you must be willing to work for them!

If you’re like me, you often need a little wordspiration to motivate you throughout your day. This short video is chock full of some of my favorite quotes; it was just what I needed to help me sort out my priorities for the new year.

I’d love to hear from you! What are your goals for 2015, and what are you doing to keep focused?


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