Have You Reached a Crossroads?

NL Jan 20 2

Regardless of education, career, tile, role or how much money you have or make, there will come a time in life when you reach a crossroads.

After evaluating your goals for 2014, maybe you have realized now is the time for… (I will say it quick so it is less painful) a change. Phew OK I said it. 2014 is your year to make a BIG CHANGE!

Initially this may seem overwhelming, but it happens to everyone. It is actually a good thing!  This will and should be a reoccurring feeling throughout your life as long as you are continuing to create and uncover your potential.

Crossroads in life signify new opportunities and growth as an individual. Have you outgrown your current job or title and a ready to take on something new? In order to continue making progress do you need to veer off into uncharted territory?

When facing a crossroad, we have two choices.

  1. Move forward fearlessly and be inspired to choose differently or…
  2. Allow fear of the dreaded “C” word to hold you back from reaching new and higher potential.

What do you want to be? Fearful or fearless?

In this video, I will share with you 4 things to consider if you find yourself at a major crossroads.

Watch video below


If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” – Anthony Robbins via @ Kerimurphy

Change leads to feelings uncertainty and doubt, but that is only because you are taken outside of your comfort zone. It is all a process of growth. How can you expect changes to happen without making change?

Following the road less traveled, to get closer to your next destination will lead to success, fulfillment, knowledge and even excitement. There will probably be a few bumps and dips as well, but that is normal.

So think…

What is your BIG picture?

Are you on a path currently that will get you there?

If the answer is no, consider these 4 things:

1. How do you want to feel?

2. What do you want to have?

3. Stop asking everyone else!

4. Realize, whatever decision you make is the “right” one.

Honor your intuition and take a chance, crossroads will continue to pop up in life. It’s your turn to embrace them.

Have you recently made a big decision? Or are you currently at a major crossroads in your life? If so, please share your comments with us. We would love to hear about it and be able to support you. We would love to hear about it!

Thank you for reading, sharing and joining in the conversation on the Inspired Living Community!

Shine ON!!


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