Live Life on Purpose


For many of us there is a gap between the life we live and the person we feel we truly are. Too many of us spend our lives working jobs and participating in activities that we don’t believe in or feel motivated by.

Each one of us was created to serve some specific function and purpose in life. Not everyone’s purpose is grand; some may be the important task of raising a family or teaching. It doesn’t have to be acknowledged and praised by the masses. It just has to be YOURS!

You may not know what that calling is yet; that’s OK! But I can assure you that when you have that moment of clarity and realize “This is it!” you will never look back. Discovering that and pursuing a life lead by the core of who you are will turn your world upside-down, for the better.

I always knew I was called to speak and had an affinity for the camera since I was a little girl, but I had no idea how that was going to take shape in my life or business. There was even a time I totally gave up on that dream but fortunately the doors reopened when I least expected it.

The pursuit of your life is to come into that purpose and the waste of your life is to miss it. For most of us discovering what our purpose is, is the hardest part. Don’t make it more challenging for yourself. Here are a few common mistakes and distractions on the path to self-revelation.

1. The “But I Love It” Mistake

For a few years I gave up on my passion to speak and be on-camera to pursue something else I really enjoyed, interior design.  As a young woman I would spend hours in my room re-decorating and moving the furniture around. Heaven forbid if my parent’s went out of town…the whole house got a makeover! 🙂 Although I truly enjoyed the creative side of interior design I was not functioning at my “best and highest use” and after five years of running that business I realized it was not what I was put on this earth to do. Maybe you can relate.

Just because you admire, enjoy or “love” something that does not mean it is or has to be your purpose. Try not to get distracted by these things; they can still become great hobbies. Keep searching.

2. The “But That Drives Me Crazy” Mistake

I don’t know about you, but when something bothers me, I have a tendancy to walk away or do everything in my power to avoid those things. Next time this happens, I challenge you to fight the urge to do so, instead take a closer look. If somebody does something “incorrectly”, don’t criticize that person; instead determine what is it about that error that you cannot tolerate. What can you learn through analyzing this? What you cannot stand to see done poorly is exactly where you should be working!

If you hate coming into a home that is dull and lacking personality, maybe your calling is in interior design. If it drives you crazy to go to a party that feels thrown together, maybe consider going into event planning.

Others may not feel the same way you do about these things, but your inability to put up with anything less than perfect means you have a strong interest. Don’t walk away; instead recognize the potential there.

3. The “But My Dad Told Me to…” Mistake

Purpose and preparation are not one in the same. You may have gotten a degree and even started a career in one field, but find that it is not fulfilling. You leave work each day with a void. You are not doing anything wrong by recognizing this. It may not be what you were created to do. Too often, we are misdirected by family and peer expectations, education, background and life circumstances.

I have seen this with so many of my clients, they feel stuck in their current job because of some imagined obligation, but the truth is you can change your course at any moment. Is it scary? Yes.  Does it take courage to make a change? Absolutely. It is worth it? You will never be happier. Ignore others opinions and ideas and gravitate towards your purpose.

4. The “Do Something- Anything” Mistake

Life is busy and at the end of the day we leave little time for inward reflection.  We throw ourselves into task after task, but never allow ourselves a moment to heal, restore and reflect. How can we find our internal “heartbeat” if we never stop to listen? It can be hard to first identify it, when you feel in harmony with yourself you will know exactly what it is and what you are meant to do.

Stop waiting around for your purpose to find you! Seek it out with inward reflection. Only you have to ability to make a change for yourself. Why stay unhappy in an unfulfilling career, relationship and life?

Start today taking steps toward finding your purpose!

Shine ON!!




© 2012 Inspired Living, LLC

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Keri Murphy and the Inspired Living team is on a mission to empower people to use their unique talents in a way that allows them to Dream, Live and BE all that is possible through speaking, coaching, celebrity interviews and original on-line content. Get Inspired at


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