Bored with Breakfast?

 Breakfast doesn’t have to be plain oatmeal and egg whites to be healthy! Here are 3 easy, healthy new breakfast options.


Avo Egg Breakfast

6-inch Greek or pocketless pita, or other flatbread

1 mashed ripe avocado

1 dash each lemon juice, extra-virgin olive oil, sea salt, pepper, chili flakes, cumin, and cumin seed

1 organic egg, cooked to your liking

Toast pita until crisp and spread avocado on pita. Drizzle with lemon, olive oil, and spices, and top with egg.





Pomegranate Yogurt Breakfast Bowl

2 tablespoons fresh pomegranate juice

1 drizzle honey

1 big dollop nonfat Greek yogurt

1 handful puffed quinoa crisps (or other cereal/granola)

1 sprinkle toasted sunflower seeds

Whole pomegranate seeds, for garnish (optional)

Bee pollen, for garnish (optional)

In a shallow bowl, swirl pomegranate juice and honey into yogurt just a bit. Sprinkle with cereal and sunflower seeds. Top with pomegranate seeds and bee pollen, if desired.


Peanut Butter Cookie Oatmeal

1/3 cup old-fashioned oats

2/3 cup water (or milk)

1 pinch salt

 tablespoon peanut butter

Brown sugar

1/2 banana, sliced


Combine oats, water, and salt in a microwave-safe dish and microwave on full power for 2 minutes. Stir in peanut butter. Transfer to a serving bowl and sprinkle with brown sugar to taste. Top with banana slices and a splash of milk.




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