Fit for Fall: Enjoy the Comforts of Fall without an Expanding Waistline

Even summers biggest fans can not deny the beauty and comfort found in fall and winter. Warm autumnal colors, oranges, reds and yellows; splatter the sky as trees change color. Temperatures drop and we start pulling out warm, oversized sweaters, scarves and boots. Running outside or eating a cool, crisp salad has lost its appeal and we come home to warm comfort foods and a cozy couch.

Fall also marks the start of the holiday season, beginning with Halloween and continuing through New Years. Traditionally a time of indulgence and parties, our social calendars fill with food laden events. Most people can’t resist the lure of their favorite holiday cookies, hot chocolate, cheesy pasta and warm bowls of chili. One pound here, one pound there, one less workout here, an extra cookie there; It can’t be that bad right? Covered up with bulky clothing our expanding waistline often goes unnoticed in winter until we have to break out tank tops again. Avoid having to do damage control next spring by implementing these tips to keep the “winter coat” off, but still enjoy the most wonderful time of year.

Don’t Overdo it With Warm Comfort Foods

Cool temperatures and warm, decadent comfort foods seem to go hand in hand. Although these foods will help to warm you from the inside out, they may also have the potential to do serious damage to your waistline. Allow yourself to indulge every once in a while or try making healthier versions of your favorite comfort foods. Click here for a few recipes to get you started!

Remember to Eat Your Veggies

In the summer months, eating a salad or raw veggies sounds crisp, cool and refreshing, but during fall and winter most people don’t gravitate towards these foods. Fiber in vegetables however is a necessary component to any well rounded diet and will help to keep hunger at bay. By eating more fibrous foods you will be less likely to reach for unhealthy snack options.  Vitamnins and nutrients in vegetables will also help to strengthen your immune system during a time when colds run rampant. Try roasting a big pan of veggies in the oven on Sunday’s to have and eat throughout the week.

Sip Hot Tea Instead of Hot Chocolate

A cup of peppermint tea contains zero calories, but an eight-ounce hot chocolate with whipped cream contains 183.  Every once in a while, indulging in our sweet tooth, is OK but try not to make a habit of it during the winter months. Liquid calories are empty calories and can lead to weight gain.

Keep Consistent with Exercise

Even if you can’t get outside to bike or run, you can still enjoy exercise outside. Snowboarding, snowshoeing or skiing are great winter sports that also keep you in shape! If you would rather stay inside, try a hot yoga class, run on the treadmill, take a spin class or weight train at your local gym. Try to maintain a routine that will get you active at least three times per week to keep off those unwanted holiday pounds!

Wear Fitted Clothes

Nothing is more comfortable than putting on a bulky sweatshirt or sweatpants and relaxing on the couch after a long day at work. The problem with these clothes is that you lose sight of your bodies shape underneath. Avoid the urge to slip out of your business attire into the largest article of clothing your closet. Instead opt for clothing that is slightly fitted. You will be less likely to snack in front of the television and may even be inspired to get active.

Weight Yourself Regularly

You can not hide from the number on the scale. Unfortunately the scale is not your best friend and doesn’t know how to tell a white lie. Weighing yourself periodically through the Holidays can help you see if you are maintaining or gaining. If you would rather not get on the scale, you can also monitor this by how your clothing fits.

Plan a Warm Vacation

Where have you always wanted to go? Planning a tropical, beach vacation for March or April will keep you on track with eating and exercise during the winter months!

Enjoy the holidays without an expanding waistline by being more conscious of your food choices, staying  consistent with exercise and adding of few of these easy strategies to your routine!



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