The Importance of Mentors

If you know me or are familiar with my work, then you know that I have spent a great deal of time in my personal and professional life mentoring teens and young adults. It’s not just part of my job, it’s my PASSION, and has been for as long as I can remember.

I have been a strong proponent of mentoring – both giving and receiving. The power of a mentor can be a substantial part of our success, and can be a gift of ourselves to empowering others. It is a way that we can be a community with one another, encouraging and fostering success.

I recently attended a charity event for the Step Up Women’s Network. They offer mentoring programs for youth while helping connect like-minded women. I was being interviewed at the event and was asked if I thought that programs like this were still important, even during this rough economy. I couldn’t shout a more resounding “YES!”

Mentoring youth has always been important, but in the current state that we are in it takes on a much deeper significance. Gone are the days of “Go to school then *presto* get a job.” Youth need role models who can think, and work, outside of the box to give the hope and confidence that they too can achieve their highest goals. It’s not about waiting for the right opportunity…it is about creating it!

Never be afraid to seek out mentors for your own growth and success, and conversely, open yourself up to the possibility of mentoring a young person in your life. Everyone involved stands to learn, grow and forge a path towards making their dreams a reality!


Shine ON!!





© 2012 Inspired Living, LLC

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