You Get What You Give

It’s the holiday season and this one is not like years past. When you think about the holidays, what comes to mind? Do you think about family and friends? Colleagues? Get-togethers? Holiday parties? Delectable treats? Presents? Volunteering?

Do you reminisce about good times had in the past? Do you try to recapture treasured moments? Or do you think about something more?

As a dedicated social entrepreneur who coaches other social entrepreneurs, I think about gratitude and giving—a lot. Yes, it’s the season of giving right now, but I firmly believe giving all year long is what will truly change the world…and create abundance in our own lives as well. 

Giving Is About So Much More Than Just “Giving”

Research shows that happiness is often directly connected to how much we give. Tangible items are helpful, but nothing is more priceless to give than kindness and love. Think about the last time you gave from your heart. Did you give your time? Your expertise? A financial donation? 

How did that experience make you feel? How did it make those around you feel? Sometimes, the thing others need the most is our support. Through genuine care and compassion, we can all make footprints to follow.

Carl W. Buehner says it best, “They may forget what you said—but they will never forget how you made them feel.” We are all capable of changing the lives of others. When we go big (and without expectation to receive anything in return) we create a ripple effect in the fabric of the universe that blesses both the receiver and the giver—you!

Together, let’s make a real difference. I challenge you to think beyond the season and beyond your business. What can you put into practice today that will create that ripple effect of goodness in the world? 

Want ideas about how you can give and grow?

I can’t wait to learn all about how you’re showing up. Share in the comments below what you’re doing, who you’re helping and how, and what changes you’re excited to see take place. I’m super excited to be on this journey of giving with you!

Listen to the full podcast HERE (only 8 mins)!

Here are my top 3 takeaways from this week’s episode: 

  • 00:45 – Research shows that happiness is often connected to how much you give. At Inspired Living, we believe you get what you give and we’re whole-heartedly invested in social entrepreneurship. We believe you can create a meaningful enterprise that allows you to make money and give back. 2:44 – We are connected to one another by spirit, and are full of generosity as human beings. Sometimes all we need is a little nudge or reminder. As humans, we crave connection, and we come together in magical ways to support one another during times of need. 

    4:02 – Being generous is not about you. It’s not about the benefit you receive from being generous—although that flood of happiness you feel is real and good. It’s all about the receiver. How can you create a regular social give-back practice in your business?

    I believe the spirit of generosity creates abundance. When you give without expectation, the universe brings it back tenfold. How can you make giving back part of your day-to-day business? What would it look like to practice daily giving?What would it be like to hold this spirit of generosity all year long, beyond the holiday season? Maybe you can create a giveaway, offer a scholarship, volunteer in your community, or give back a portion of your proceeds to a charitable organization that is meaningful to you.

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