Be Unstoppable with Cynthia Kersey

When it comes to basic education, most of us don’t think anything of it, especially in the US. We are so fortunate that we get access to education at such a young age and that we’re able to continue learning throughout our lives.

Sadly, many around the globe don’t have this privilege. Too many children sacrifice basic education in order to get water (most likely contaminated) back to their village.

At Inspired Living, giving back is a big part of who we are and what we do. We believe in reciprocity and that everything comes back full circle.

One of my favorite organizations to give back to is the Unstoppable Foundation. My guest today just so happens to be an incredible force behind the holistic vision, Cynthia Kersey. Not only will Cynthia be speaking at Brilliant this year but she shares her journey in creating the Unstoppable Foundation with us today.

Some key takeaways you don’t want to miss!

  • Why social purpose associated with a product or service is the #1 buying criteria today.
  • Why it’s crucial to focus on more than money.
  • How following her intuition to go on a trip to Kenya changed her life.
  • How she turned her 50th birthday into a fundraiser for Unstoppable.
  • Why there needs to be a multifaceted approach to sponsoring schools.
  • Why you need a team to make a difference.



Today Cynthia Kersey is President of Unstoppable Enterprises, Inc. and the Chief Humanitarian Officer of the Unstoppable Foundation. Their mission is clear – to ensure that every child on the planet receives access to the life-long gift of education.

Cynthia is an inspiring speaker, entrepreneur, national columnist, and a contributing editor to Success Magazine. She was also a featured guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show when Oprah launched the Angel Network.

But before this foundation’s success, Cynthia was on a journey to become unstoppable herself.  She quit a 6-figure job, cashed in her whole life savings, and downsized her life to write her first book. While going through a divorce, she got some invaluable advice from her mentor, “When you have a great pain in your life, you need a greater purpose.”

He encouraged Cynthia to channel her pain into something that would truly make a difference. This set her on a path to use her business as a force for unstoppable giving.

Now a leader in the transformational industry, Cynthia has penned two bestselling books, Unstoppable and Unstoppable Women, a collection of powerful stories and strategies from people who, through perseverance and consistent action, turned obstacles into personal triumph. These books have motivated countless readers with over 500,000 copies sold worldwide in 17 languages. And in our interview today, she tells us how she did it.

Unstoppable has now sponsored over 300 villages, served more than 80,000 students, and launched a college.

The more you show up and serve your audience, the more you get. This has never been truer.

To donate to the Unstoppable Foundation and to learn how to get involved, visit:

Feel inspired? Share with us how you give back in the comments below!

Until next time…

Dream it. Live it. BE it.

Keri Murphy of Inspired Living




PS. Want to hear more from Cynthia? We are just a few weeks away from our Brilliant Event. You still have a few weeks to secure your ticket! Go to


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