Finding Your Momma Swag with Lanitra Williams

Calling all mothers!  As a mom, I know first hand that being a mother does not come with a road map. Sometimes we’re navigating some pretty choppy waters.   Because our children are our whole world, it is easy to put them at the center of our universe, and completely forget that we also exist!  

How many times have you caught yourself thinking, “How can I possibly take care of my family, friends, make everyone else feel good, but also feel good myself?”  My answer would be “countless”.

If you your answer is similar to mine, then we’re in luck!  This ILTV Spotlight Interview brings you the woman who can help all of us mamas out!  I am so excited to sit down with the maternity maven, and Founder of Momma Swag, Lanitra Williams.

Lanitra started out her career as a social worker.  Not long after beginning her career in this field, she came to realize that she wanted to be a more hands on participant, working with mothers both before and after birth.  At the time, the role of a nurse was the only way she saw this being possible. It wasn’t until after she had spent time as a maternity nurse, that she realized that between nursing, and social work, there were still gaps in the healthcare system that were not being addressed. Being the incredible woman she is, Lanitra decided to fill those gaps herself.

In her time working with new and expecting mothers, Lanitra noticed that there was a large percentage of mothers feeling isolated, overwhelmed, not knowing what resources were out there, or how to access them.  So many women were facing self doubt, questioning “am I doing this right?”

It was from this observation of the gap, in combination with her own personal experience, that Momma Swag was born!  In her 3rd year at UC Berkeley, Lanitra found herself pregnant, and credits her support system, the “Student Parent Project” as the only way she was able juggle school, and motherhood.  Through this program, the students were given a community where they would care of each other’s children while they took turns studying, and taking exams. Beyond the physical support system, it was also an emotional support system where they felt free to cry on each other’s shoulders when the going got tough.

Acknowledging that this community is what allowed her to achieve her own goals, Lanitra has spent the last 20 years creating a beautiful supportive community for parents!  A place where she is helping moms to calm their fears, juggle motherhood with day-to-day life, all while helping them meet their goals.  

Her motto “If Mama’s Good, Baby’s Good”, is the idea that Momma Swag revolves around.

As entrepreneurs, we are used to figuring things out, and being in control.  We think things are going to fit into a box. As we have all come to know, babies do not fit into a box!  Once we let go of that idea, and fully understand that it’s ok to ask for help, we can finally regain control of our lives.  

If you are a mom, expecting mother, I encourage you to watch this interview with Lanitra to dive deeper into her story, and get insight into the following:

     Who her biggest inspiration in life is.

     What makes Momma Swag different than other programs.

     How her background as a holistic caregiver gives her a unique perspective.

     Her other services including being a lactation consultant, and working with fathers.

     Her 3 tips to finding balance as a new mom.

To find out more about Momma Swag, or if you would like to work with Lanitra, you can connect with her here.  

If you can relate to this video, please pass it along to all of your mom friends!  We are all in this together!

Please leave your comments and questions in the comment section below.  I would love to hear how you have support as a mompreneur.

Dream it. Live it. BE it!


P.S. Have you discovered your It Factor? Join us for our upcoming 2-day event.


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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.