Do You Feel Stuck in a Rut? 4 simple mindset shifts that will help

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut? Did you decide at the beginning of the year to make a commitment to yourself to make a change? For you, it could have been a healthier life style, getting out of an unfulfilling relationship, or starting a new business. You have taken the first step (which can always be the hardest) and I congratulate you. But now, are you finding yourself stuck and not moving forward?

Finding yourself stuck is something that can easily happen.  No matter how many road blocks or setbacks that come your way, it is crucial to keep moving forward, one small step at a time.

If you are feeling stuck right now, it just means you aren’t taking the right steps. Staying stuck is a choice. In this video I share with you 4 mindset shifts to get you re-focused and re-energized to keep moving forward.

1.  Take responsibilities for your actions– It is never easy to admit that the choices we have made are not always good ones. But, mistakes are just proof that you are trying. Take time to acknowledge what went wrong, learn from it, and make the necessary changes.

2.  Squash the fear-Change is scary. Especially when we do not know the outcome. But letting fear lead the way will just take you back where you were when you were unfulfilled and unhappy.  Fear is just a story we tell ourselves.

3.  Turn the page- Why do you keep looking back at the last chapter? You are no longer in it. By continuing to worry about what happened to you doesn’t get you anywhere. You need to focus on today. The ONLY day that matters.

4.  Stop cutting corners– Looking for “Easy Street”? Stop looking, because it doesn’t exist. We don’t grow when things are easy. We grow when we are challenged. Cutting corners will only lengthen the process in the end.

You cannot expect happiness, success or results to come from anywhere but within. Believe in yourself. You have everything you need TODAY to keep moving, keep growing, and to ultimately step into something even greater than you have ever imagined.

I would love to hear from you.

What do you do when you feel stuck in a rut?  
Where are you currently feeling stuck in your life?

Please share your comments with us. We are here to support you!

Thank you for reading, sharing and joining in on the conversation in the Inspired Living Community.


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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Keri

    Well Ronja, as much as I wish I could help you that is a sticky one. However, you are pursuing your dreams and that’s fantastic! Whether you get your visa now or not, I hope that doesn’t discourage you. I have found timing is everything and sometimes, our timing is not the right timing. Keep moving forward and don’t give up. Please keep up posted!

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