Sell Without Being “Salesy”

salesmanOne in nine Americans work in sales. That means each day more than fifteen million people earn their living by persuading others to buy.

But when you really think about it, so do the other eight. We all sell.

Whether it is a product, idea or simply convincing someone to take action, we are all trying to move others.

This does not mean that you have to be the stereotypical, pushy used car salesman we all dread. And you don’ have to be an extrovert.

Research by Adam Grant, a professor at Wharton, shows that “ambiverts”, people who have a balance between introverted and extroverted are the most successful salespeople. Ambiverts are more observant; they know when to listen and when to speak up. When to push and when to hold back.

You can be a better salesperson than you ever thought possible by following author Daniel H. Pink, new model for the ABC’s of selling. Instead of “Always Be Closing”, always be listening. (more…)

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Prevent Mid-Career Burnout

Ambitious and career driven, you have been that way as far back as you can remember. And what is wrong with that? Long hours and late nights have become routine. A 24/7 lifestyle has led you to success, but where else could you be heading?

What happens when you mentally and physically hit a wall?

And more importantly, if you haven’t hit that wall yet, how can you prevent inevitable burnout?

An alarming number of young professional women are burning out at work before they reach 30. They appear to “have it all”— great salaries, benefits, paid vacation, but behind closed doors exhaustion and high stress levels are stacking up. In statistic provided by McKinsey research, the corporate ladder reflects this. (more…)

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Have You Stepped Into Your Vision?

I shot this video last week right after the website launch because it was like my dream finally came to life.

In this video, I share my story and encourage you to find inspiration for your own.


Our vision is what guides our life and our choices. You may be thinking, “Keri, I don’t have time for my own vision!” but that’s not true. Your vision is simply what you are committed to creating in your life. Whether that is healthy kids, a successful career or a spiritually centered life- without a strong vision, you allow circumstances to shape your life, instead of you.

Lately I have really stepped into my own vision in both my personal and business life.  To be honest, I don’t know how things are going to shape up and bring this grand vision to life…but I believe in it and I work toward it daily. This week’s ezine is all about helping you find and step out into your bold vision. If you can’t imagine it…you can’t create it! (more…)

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