My private getaway…

Do you ever find yourself going, going, going to the point where you don’t even realize just how exhausted you are? Whether it be from work, or life in general, you can’t seem to quiet the storm. The world likes to glorify the idea of being “busy”, and unused vacation days are a triumph for some. But what most don’t understand is how important it is to take time to recharge your batteries, and reconnect with that energy that keeps you going, going, going.


This last year has been a big one for me, both personally and professionally; lots of changes – expected and unexpected. I finally decided to take time for myself in a beautiful place, to appreciate all the good that has come into my life, and prepare for all that is to come. It is SO important for you to give yourself time away, to get in sync with your physical and mental health. Time off is a blessing in disguise, for both you and those around you!
I filmed this short video just for my subscribers, to let you know that I am thinking about you, and that I am grateful for you! I encourage you to take time off, if only for a moment! You will come back feeling ready to take on whatever the world wants to throw your direction.

When did you last take time off? Are you due for a break? Leave your comments below!


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