How to Monetize Your Business Online

One of the biggest mistakes I see is people trying to catch the ocean. What do I mean by that? I mean that their message, product or service is so broad that I don’t know if your product is right for me.

Watch my latest ILTV video for a closer look at how to pivot online.

Let’s say you are going fishing in the ocean. There are so many fish in the ocean, I would need to know the exact fish I was planning on catching, so I bring the right things to catch it. But, how do you know what your potential clients or customers will respond to? 

Know Your Ideal Client Better

Before you start creating products & services to be delivered online make sure you get to know your ideal client better. With so many people online right now, you have to get real & specific on who it is that you’re trying to serve.  I encourage you to spend some time really getting to know them. 

How they are feeling?

This goes beyond your demographic. When it comes to being online, the number one way to monetize what you do, is to help people see the value and connect with you emotionally. People want to know that you actually care about them and that you’re not just trying to sell them something online. One of the things I teach is how to emotionally connect with the one person you are talking to by knowing their emotional triggers. Here are 11 of the most common ones:

Ways to Identify Your Ideal Clients Needs

Spend some time doing some research and development. So often we throw out a product or service guessing that it’s what our ideal client wants, but we never ask if it’s something that they truly wanted. Make sure you take these 3 steps before you just create a product or service. 

  1. Survey your existing customers & clients- this can be a great way to get important information from those who have bought from you in the past. So often we forget to ask.
  2. Look at your Google analytics- your website analytics can provide a wealth of information including who you are already attracting to your website. If it’s your ideal client, that’s great! Dive deeper into your analytics by looking at the behavior section. 
  3. Get social- go online and look at your social media channels, look at who’s following you, click on their profiles, what are they saying?

They are so many ways to make money online right now. You just need to figure out who is your ideal client? what is their gap? how can you fill it? and what is the message that’s going to get their attention? If you skipped past the video, make sure you go back and watch it to learn more ways to pivot online. 

Don’t forget no matter what you decide to do online, be consistent in doing it. I know you can be making 6 figures online right now, but now is a critical time to make the pivot. Make sure you find a team of people that can support you in finding the right ways to pivot and market your services online. 

If you are a women in business and you haven’t visited Brilliant,  make sure you check it out today (we have limited-time bonuses for you)! We’ve created a way for you to be a part of the conversations that we need to be having right now about ways to grow your business and build an empire. 


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