Shane Jeremy Jones…Make this commitment with me this November

Back in 2015, I interviewed serial entrepreneur, philanthropist and digital marketing expert Shane Jeremy James about his latest world-changing idea. He spoke so passionately about what he’s learned about success and what truly matters and invited us to join his world peace movement.

November is a time every year when I reflect on my life and how I can continue to do good in the world. I always think of that interview with Shane, so I looked him up this week to see what he’s up to. He has launched a new website called Actions of Compassion. I love their mission:

Our mission is to create social change and inspire people to make a positive difference in the world, while continuing to lead a global compassion movement. We believe that everyone can make a difference.

Please watch this interview from our Inspired History, and then commit to doing ONE compassionate thing a day. I will too. Together, we can spread peace!

PS. If this ILTV interview touched you in any way please take a moment to share it with your community or someone you care about. The only way to create global change is to inspire people to do the same. I appreciate you!


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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.