How to Get Out of a Dead End Situation

Do you feel stuck? Does it seem like you have reached a dead end in your life or your job? Sometimes you want to start something new, but you are not sure how. I often hear this from my clients. In this week’s video, I want to talk about some things to help you get out of something you are not happy with.

Value yourself. What is your self-worth? One thing that Dr. Phil says that I can’t agree more with is “we teach people how to treat us.” So how are you allowing people to treat you? If you value your time, you need to understand your worth and shift your mindset. If you don’t see yourself and skills as valuable, other people won’t be able to understand the value that you bring.

Experience. People often say they don’t have enough experience. In that case, the best thing you can do is go out and gain experience because you won’t gain any just talking about it. Go ask to intern somewhere or volunteer your time. Most importantly, be around the people who do what you want to do. Instead of thinking about all the experience you don’t have, look at the experience that you do bring to the table. Often when we shift careers we under-value all the experience that brought us to where we are. Even if it’s not the same skill, your past experience is valuable. We all have life experience, so use that!

I’m too old. “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream”-C.S. Lewis. See, you’re never too old!! I have a client who started over in her 50’s after 30 years in the same career and she’s never been happier.  I know it can be scary starting new when you have been in a relationship or job for a long time, but it is never too late to do (or BE) what you love! I promise you this, when you let go of what’s not serving you, what does will show up! –oh, that’s a tweetable.

The only way to move past a situation you are unhappy with is to change yourself. So what are your beliefs saying to you? What is your mindset that is keeping you stuck?

I would love to hear from you, are you stuck or in a dead end? If so, where are you at right now? Which one of these tips is going to help you get past that dead end? Please post your comments below.

When you are inspired, you inspire others!




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