Inspired Living Interview with Glenn Stearns, Founder and Chairman of Stearns Lending

You might think that the founder and Chairman of the 2nd largest privately-held lending company in the country was born with a silver spoon and graduated from an Ivy League school. But Glenn Stearns grew up in the projects of Maryland where drive-bys and drug transactions were a daily occurrence. He fathered a child at fourteen and barely graduated from college with a 2.16 GPA.

So what did it take for Glenn Stearns to get inspired, turn his life around and create a company that yielded over 13 billion in revenue last year?  Watch this Inspired Living TV episode to find out what simple things Glenn did to change the course of his life.

The steps Glenn took were simple. What is holding you back from taking similar steps in your life? Do you feel like you’re “pushing a bolder up a hill?” If so, what keeps you going?

Please share your insights with the community. We love hearing from you. When you are inspired, you inspire others!

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Shine ON!!



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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.