Make 2012 Extraordinary

In this last week of 2011, I can’t help but reflect on the past year and be filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. It was year of personal growth and powerful movement towards fulfilling my dreams and goals.

But I’d be kidding myself if I thought it all went according to MY plan. On the contrary! Few things went according to my plan! But I was willing to step out and up in some scary situations that allowed me to grow in ways I would have NEVER experienced.

For example, I traveled to Auckland, Perth, Sydney, Guildford, and Hong Kong (twice!) as a trainer and speaker. This was an opportunity that you could say diverted my path, but in such a good way! I’m also working on a new show that I am incredibly excited about. And, most importantly, I launched a key piece to my long-time vision… InspiredLiving.TV!

Plans change. Dreams evolve. It’s all a part of the process and I’ve learned to be open to the changes that life brings. But more than anything, I look back and relish in gratitude for the path I’ve been on, with all its twists and turns.

As you look forward to 2012 and are honing in on what you wish to accomplish in the coming year, I ask that you leave room for the extraordinary to happen in your life. I believe that at times we are so laser-focused on our goals that we don’t consider other opportunities that would enable our business or our personal growth to skyrocket. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for setting goals and having a clear direction on where you are heading. However, you never know who you will meet or what opportunities will present themselves when you are open to the evolution of your dreams and be grateful for all things, big and small.

Read more about the benefits that being grateful has on life and the “gratitude effect” in the latest lifestyle feature on InspiredLiving.TV, “Gratitude Baby!”

May 2012 bring you much personal, professional and spiritual prosperity. Happy New Year!

Shine ON!!




© 2012 Inspired Living, LLC

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Keri Murphy and the Inspired Living team is on a mission to empower people to use their unique talents in a way that allows them to Dream, Live and BE all that is possible through speaking, coaching, celebrity interviews and original on-line content. Get Inspired at



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