ENCORE EPISODE: When To Let Go, Lean In and TRUST with Ali Brown

As an entrepreneur, what do you do when everything is working—yet inside you’re craving something different, or even something more? This week I sat down with my friend, mentor, and 7- and 8-figure women entrepreneur’s coach, Ali Brown. Ali is the Founder + CEO of the women’s business empowerment company We Lead. Ali joins the show to speak about why she had to let go of something really successful in order to step into something even more significant than she imagined for herself. Internally, Ali craved something new, and Ali realized that she needed to pick a lane and decide what she stands for. Once you start letting go of things, you make room for bigger and better energy. Plus, Ali talks about her latest adventure, The Trust, a network for women entrepreneurs with businesses generating $1M+ annually. Tune in as we reveal what it will take in 2021 to stand out and become the leaders we know we are here to be.

How to Step Into Your Greatness

In 2015, Ali experienced an internal shift that significantly impacted her external business and team. It was one of the biggest challenges she’d encountered to date—to have the courage to decide to stop doing what was working on paper to step into her greatness. It was time to pick a lane, to niche down, to become the bigger fish in a smaller pond. “What do I stand for?” she thought. Soon she realized her calling: to support and empower 7- and 8-figure women entrepreneurs.

How to Show Up Powerfully as an Authority in Your Space

The idea here, and what I’m also seeing more and more of, is entrepreneurs shifting from being generalists to being specialists and showing up as authority figures in their spaces. Through this process, Ali found that when you listen and pay attention, your business can organically grow because you’re tapped in deeply and you continually serve a relevant, specific need.

But you’ve got to give yourself the grace to step into something new and lead with conviction. I believe that energy goes where intention flows. And investing in yourself sets the tone to open the energy flowing that leads to your next level.

I asked Ali, what are some strategies that are working right now? She says that if you’re rocking it online right now, be prepared for things to change and flux. Be prepared for the Internet to blow up…and always have a backup plan. She believes we will see a slow resurgence of smaller group events, private events, and local events that are extremely high touch. It’s all about connection, after all—and community.

For inspiration from Ali, Listen to the podcast here:

In This Episode:

  • [00:30] About Ali Brown and why she had to let go of something really successful.
  • [09:30] How to rise up and become a category of one.
  • [16:30] About Ali’s significant transformation on The Secret Millionaire.
  • [23:00] All about The Trust and why we need it.
  • [27:20] Advice for leaders in 2021.
  • [29:30] What Inspired Living means to Ali.

Watch this weeks podcast here

Here are a few of my favorite takeaways:

  • Sometimes we have to let go of something good to find something great.
  • With the advances in technology, there will be increasing opportunities to be a big fish in a small pond.
  • If you feel like you have a lot of competition, it’s time to narrow your market.
  • When you niche down, you show up as a specialist and as an authority in your industry.

About Ali Brown:

Ali Brown is the Founder + CEO of the women’s business empowerment company We Lead and is one of the most recognized entrepreneur coaches in the world, having built a coaching + consulting enterprise that ranked in the Inc. 500 list of fastest growing private companies in the U.S.

In 2020 she launched The Trust: the new, premier global network for women entrepreneurs generating 7- and 8-figure revenues.

She has been named one of Forbes’ Women to Watch, one of EY’s Winning Women Entrepreneurs, and an entrepreneur delegate for the United Nations Foundation’s Global Accelerator. Ali was also featured on the ABC hit primetime show Secret Millionaire.

She has over 250,000 followers via her sites, social media channels, and Glambition® Radio show on iTunes. Ali’s coaching and mentorship has been featured on CNN and many other major media outlets. She was named by Entrepreneur Magazine as having one of the ‘Top 10 Twitter Accounts Every Entrepreneur Should Be Following’. Ali is a frequent traveler with her Australian husband Brett and their twins, and they are currently based in Scottsdale, Arizona in the U.S.

Share with us where you are in your journey of entrepreneurship in the comments below. What is your next big step into greatness?

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Keri Murphy

This international speaker, media maven, and business mentor is a true trailblazer, with over 25 years of expertise and 3 decades of on-camera experience.

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