ENCORE EPISODE Stand Out On Social With Renowned Marketing Strategist, Kim Garst

Social media can feel like a crazy place to be, but my lovely friend and Social Media Expert, Kim Garst is here with me today to share her heart and brilliance. Recently named as one of Forbes’ Top 10 Social Media Power Influencers of 2020, Kim and I sat down to talk about all things social media, Boy did she have some interesting things to say!

Kim has been in business online for nearly 30 years—when the Internet was just emerging and becoming commercial in the early 90s. After having her son, she realized she needed to figure out how to work from home versus going back to her corporate job. A dilemma many of us ladies have faced in years past. Watch Kim’s interview to find out more about what she did and how she overcame this challenge.

For more inspiration listen to this week’s episode here.

Remember the Dark Ages of the Internet?

I can only imagine 30 years ago, building an online business, how different it was compared to now, when there is so much noise it’s incredibly hard to stand out. Today we have million-dollar assets literally at our fingertips. But back then there were no resources, no YouTube, no websites, and Kim somehow managed to build a 7-figure business from her dining room table. There is absolutely no excuse—you can have a successful online business today too!

  • You are you, Kim, and I think that you being you
  • is what influenced the [Forbes] list in a space
  • (i.e. social media) that at times feels disingenuous.

“When it comes to noise, what I find…so many entrepreneurs [doing] today is they’re spending 90% to 100% of their time doing things that are not revenue-generating in their business,” says Kim.

Learn exactly what you need to do to have a successful online business.

Keep in mind that you’re not alone and give yourself grace—but then step back from getting lost in all of the shiny social media objects. Choose one or two things that you want to focus on and use your online marketing to support those activities. We’re all a channel, we’re all putting out content, it’s overwhelming. If you’re not clarifying your message, there’s no way for someone looking for your offer to find you online.

How Are You Showing Up to Meet the Need?

Social media has changed dramatically in terms of how people are using it and how they’re connecting today. The early days were more intimate, and we have circled back to the intimacy of 1:1 conversations. It may be time-consuming, but leveraging the power of Instagram DMs, for example, can really help you build a following and grow your email list. Learn why it’s so important to move your followers off of social media and over to email.

For a while, social media gave us a free ride and it was great, but I don’t know of any successful businesses that don’t also invest in marketing. Even I was scared at first to get into Facebook ads, but once we did, we created more and more visibility. So much visibility that last year was our best year yet!

I want to know, where all of the opportunities are on social media these days? Kim shared that free, organic reach is coming from YouTube and Pinterest—two of the largest social media search engines in existence. And Facebook and Pinterest ads also offer great opportunities to extend your reach and drive conversions.

Meet Kim Garst

Small town southern gal who discovered a big world. She is an international best selling author, international keynote speaker, one of the world’s most retweeted people among digital marketers and a highly sought after marketing strategist.

Kim is also internationally recognized as a thought leader in the social media space. Forbes named her as one of the Top 10 Social Media Power Influencers. She has provided social and digital marketing advice to some of the world’s top brands like Microsoft, IBM, and Mastercard as well and hundreds of influential business leaders on digital and social media business strategies.

She is the co-founder of Boom! Social, a business strategy consulting firm that helps business owners create more sales using the power of digital and social media.

What she enjoys most is helping ordinary people discover their unique “possibles” so that they can build extraordinary businesses that helps them live the life of their dreams.

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