An Immigrant’s Journey to Becoming an 8-Figure Investor with Michelle Bosch

Do you want to diversify your income but can’t even dream of where to start?!

This week I have decided to touch on  something a little different because I whole-heartedly believe that we need more women at the table, being leaders in our space, standing on our own two feet, making long term investments, and being stewards of our own money.

How are we going to do that?……. One way is REAL ESTATE.

Michelle Bosch, the CFO and co-founder of Orbit Investments, came to this country from Honduras with 2 suitcases and a dream. She landed right in the cornfields of Illinois, where she went to school, met the love of her life, got a job at a fortune 500 company, and was on her way to success. While all that sounds amazing, working 60-80 hour weeks for medium pay did not….

That’s where the idea for her company was born. Michelle and her husband for the last 20 years have perfected a method of investing in land and creating a passive income to establish generational wealth for years to come. They help everyday people (you don’t have to be a millionaire) create wealth beyond the income statement.

I think this topic is so important. My passion is helping other women succeed in any way I can, and giving all of us an opportunity not just to sit at the table but be at the head of the table.

In this week’s podcast, Michelle breaks down some complicated subjects, and makes it very easy to understand that we can be very real players in this game.

For more inspiration listen to this week’s episode here.

In This Episode You’ll Also Learn:

  • [03:09] Michelle shares her story of immigrating to the United States in 1995, and how she ended up staying here after earning her degree in Finance and her and her husband’s start working for Fortune 500 Companies
  • [10:06]  How Michelle and her husband, Jack, started to build their business investing in  land and beginning to teach others to do the same thing, and also using that money to then invest in single family homes
  • [14:32] Keri asks Michelle to break down the method they developed to buy vacant land from owners and then sell that pieces of property between 10 and 40 cents on the dollar
  • [21:11] How Michelle’s company finds vacant land owners and how they assess the value of the properties
  • [26:52] Michelle explains the process of getting started investing in land by marketing to certain areas via direct mail and how it doesn’t have to require having a lot of money to begin with
  • [32:39] Hear more about the free master classes offered through Land Profit Generator
  • [38:36] Keri and Michelle discuss how it’s key to entrepreneurial journeys to work closely with a mentor who is successful at what you want to do so you can learn and save you time on learning the process

Here are a few of my favorite takeaways:

  • Michelle really states how important it is to diversify your income and try to achieve “balance sheet wealth” where you actually have assets that produce wealth for you instead of exchanging hours for dollars.
  • Investing in vacant land properties doesn’t require millions to start with- Michelle’s company can teach you how to start investing in land with just a few thousand dollars to start.
  • If you’re interested in starting up something new in business or going on a new entrepreneurial journey- find a mentor or investor to show you how they do things and work with them along the way
  • Once you decide to go after something, learn all you can, hold yourself accountable, and go all in.

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Keri Murphy

This international speaker, media maven, and business mentor is a true trailblazer, with over 25 years of expertise and 3 decades of on-camera experience.

Here’s the secret sauce—she brings a unique and effective philosophy to the table. With her “IT” Factor method, she’ll unleash the superstar within you, ensuring you shine like a supernova on & off screen.