Lights, Camera… IMPACT! Are you ready?

I’ve said it a thousand times…you need to be using video constantly to grow your business!

So why do I keep saying it? Because clients tell me ALL the time how intimidating it can feel to get in front of the camera and record a video.

What do I say? How do I say it? What the heck do I do with the video when I’m done?!

Not to mention what equipment you should use… It’s a LOT to think about.

So my team and I got together to brainstorm over how we can help and came up with this:

A special 5-day summit, all about video, and it’s TOTALLY FREE!

Join us LIVE if you want to learn:

  • Why video is the fastest way to increase your impact
  • How to establish a brand on-camera
  • How to use the camera to sell with grace and ease
  • How to get your videos seen and the best places to put them
  • Why mastering video is your key to success!

So, tell me, are you ready to come out of hiding and use video to powerfully connect with your audience?! Click here to save your spot!

We can’t wait to see you LIVE!

Dream it. Live it. BE it!



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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.